FIGU Copyright

Original German text © FIGU 1996-2015, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti

COPYRIGHT und URHEBERRECHT 2005 by ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. Kein Teil dieses Werkes, Keine Photos und sonstige Bildvorlagen , keine Dias, Filme, Videos und keine anderen Schriften oder sonstige Materialien usw. dürfen ohne schriftliche Einwilligung des Copyrightinhabers in irgendeiner Form (Photokopie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren), auch nicht für Zwecke der Unterrichtsgestaltung usw., reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.

Erschienen im Wassermannzeit-Verlag, ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

COPYRIGHT and COPYRIGHT 2005 by “Free Community of Interests for Border- and Spiritual-Sciences and Ufological Studies”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. No part of this work, no photos and other picture collections, no slides, films, videos and no other writings or other materials etc. may be reproduced without written consent of the copyright owner in any form (Photocopy, microfilm or any other procedure), also not for purposes of instructional design etc., or using electronic systems storage, duplication or dissemination.

Published by Aquarian Age-Publishing house, “Free Community of Interests”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2015


Note regarding corrections: 

It must be understood that in order to gain the exact understanding intended the reader should learn the German language. As a group we provide our "best as possible" English translation. Just as we are continually learning the Spiritual Teaching, we are also continually learning the German language in our German-to-US English translations. It needs to be understood that an exact translation from German to any other language is not possible. We fully utilize the on-going efforts of FIGU, for progressively assisting in the development of more accurate translations, by providing an evolving tool such as the FIGU Dictionary. In your studies of the Teaching we encourage also spending some time constantly equating the German words and phrase with the English words you are reading and while processing the idea-thought-feeling energy impulses. If In these comparisons you should find a translation error, it is our request that, especially those that are fluent in the German language, submit corrections to us, as we strive to provide an accurate dissemination of the original German intent-to-word structured idea-thought impulses for positive-neutrally processing into knowledge, through our English translations. The original German is included with each paragraph (in green on webpages),

 Spiritual Teaching Symbol(s)

Spiritual Teaching Symbols
from Symbole der Geisteslehre by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

Religion                                Relegeon

Spiritual Teaching Symbols © FIGU 1996-2013, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti

 What is Religion, what is Relegeon?

What is Religion, What is Relegeon?click to download this article's PDF file

Was ist Religion, was Relegeon?

The difference between religion and relegeon is elucidated through the spirit level 'Arahat Athersata' as follows:

Zum Unterschied zwischen der Religion und der Relegeon wird durch die Geistebene 'Arahat Athersata' folgendes erläutert:

Chapter IV, Evolution, Verses 75-80

Kapitel IV, Evolution, Verse 75-80:

75. Religion, according to your current terms, can never be used for evolution, but rather only relegeon.

75. Es kann niemals Religion zur Evolution verwendet werden nach euren heutigen Begriffen, sondern allein Relegeon.

76. The truth, wisdom, ability, knowledge and love etc. from which present-day existing ones will have to pull together and join together in order to then experience a further development.

76. Die Wahrheit, die Weisheit, Können, Wissen und Liebe usw. müssen aus dem gegenwärtig Vorhandenen wiederzusammengenommen und zusammengefügt werden, um dann eine Weiterentwicklung zu erfahren

77. A religious-based form however, namely a backward affiliation, lets destroy the relegeon, already in its fundamental substance, and never to find fertile ground.

77. Eine religionsmässige Form aber, nämlich eine Rückverbundenheit, lässt die Relegeon schon in ihrer Grundsubstanz vernichten und niemals fruchtbaren Boden finden.

78. Only a relegeous-based form is able to bring profound successes, never however religious-based forms.

78. Allein eine relegeonsmässige Form vermag tiefgründige Erfolge zu bringen, niemals aber religionsmässige Formen.

79. From the form of relegeon, effective knowledge comes into being, from which again wisdom and ability result.

79. Aus der Form der Relegeon entsteht effectives Wissen, woraus wieder die Weisheit und das Können resultieren.

80. Then this continues to ensure that the way of evolution can be pursued and indeed in both forms. Relegeon is the leading back to creational truth, to primal-truth of all creational coming-into-being ones. Religion, in religious-based sense explained, means a backward affiliation to a religious-conditional godhead respectfully, to a creator that the human being him/herself has to subordinate.

80. Diese gewährleisten dann weiter, dass der Weg der Evolution beschritten werden kann, und zwar in beiden Formen. Relegeon ist das Zurückführende zur schöpferischen Wahrheit, zur Urwahrheit allen schöpferischen Werdens. Religion in religionsmässigem Sinne ausgelegt, bedeutet eine Zurückverbindung an eine religionsbedingte Gottheit resp. an einen Schöpfer, dem der Mensch sich unterzuordnen hat.

German text © FIGU 1996-2024, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti
English translation from the original German text by Patrick McKnight and may contain errors - 26-Jul-2013
English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2024
