FIGU Copyright

Original German text © FIGU 1996-2015, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti

COPYRIGHT und URHEBERRECHT 2005 by ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. Kein Teil dieses Werkes, Keine Photos und sonstige Bildvorlagen , keine Dias, Filme, Videos und keine anderen Schriften oder sonstige Materialien usw. dürfen ohne schriftliche Einwilligung des Copyrightinhabers in irgendeiner Form (Photokopie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren), auch nicht für Zwecke der Unterrichtsgestaltung usw., reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.

Erschienen im Wassermannzeit-Verlag, ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

COPYRIGHT and COPYRIGHT 2005 by “Free Community of Interests for Border- and Spiritual-Sciences and Ufological Studies”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. No part of this work, no photos and other picture collections, no slides, films, videos and no other writings or other materials etc. may be reproduced without written consent of the copyright owner in any form (Photocopy, microfilm or any other procedure), also not for purposes of instructional design etc., or using electronic systems storage, duplication or dissemination.

Published by Aquarian Age-Publishing house, “Free Community of Interests”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2015


Note regarding corrections: 

It must be understood that in order to gain the exact understanding intended the reader should learn the German language. As a group we provide our "best as possible" English translation. Just as we are continually learning the Spiritual Teaching, we are also continually learning the German language in our German-to-US English translations. It needs to be understood that an exact translation from German to any other language is not possible. We fully utilize the on-going efforts of FIGU, for progressively assisting in the development of more accurate translations, by providing an evolving tool such as the FIGU Dictionary. In your studies of the Teaching we encourage also spending some time constantly equating the German words and phrase with the English words you are reading and while processing the idea-thought-feeling energy impulses. If In these comparisons you should find a translation error, it is our request that, especially those that are fluent in the German language, submit corrections to us, as we strive to provide an accurate dissemination of the original German intent-to-word structured idea-thought impulses for positive-neutrally processing into knowledge, through our English translations. The original German is included with each paragraph (in green on webpages),

 Interview with 'Billy' Meier

Interview with 'Billy' Meier

Interview mit 'Billy' Meier

by Michael Hesemann

"Billy" Eduard A. Meier responds for the first time to the latest attacks In an interview with MAGAZIN 2000plus

'Billy' Eduard A. Meier antwortet im Interview mit MAGAZIN 2000plus erstmals auf die jüngsten Angriffe

When and how did your contacts with the extraterrestrials begin?

Wann und wie begannen Ihre Kontakte mit den Ausserirdischen?

My contacts with extraterrestrial human entities began in the 1940s when I was still a very young boy. My first contact person was an old man named Sfath, who spoke in the somewhat broad Swiss-German Bülach dialect of my village.

Meine Kontakte mit Menschen ausserirdischer Herkunft begannen in den Vierzigerjahren, als ich noch ein Dreikäsehoch war. Meine erste Kontaktperson war ein alter Mann, dessen Name Sfath war und der den Dialekt unseres Dorfes Bülach sprach, also ein etwas breites Schweizerdeutsch.

It all began on a beautiful, sunny, summer morning when I was standing with my father next to a large walnut tree behind our house. Suddenly an inner urge beckoned me to turn my eyes toward Mount Eschenmoser, and in the azure sky above it I saw a silver flash shooting in the direction of the church steeple .

Das Ganze begann an einem schönen, sonnigen Sommermorgen, als ich mit meinem Vater hinter unserem Haus stand, neben einem grossen Walnussbaum. Plötzlich verspürte ich einen inneren Drang, unbedingt meinen Blick auf den Eschenmoserberg zu richten, worauf ich dort oben am azurblauen Himmel einen silbernen Blitz sah, der auf den Kirchturm zuschoss.

After a split second the silver flash shot past us above our heads and disappeared above the forest, approximately 5 km [3 miles] from us. I saw that the object was a huge, round, metallic disk. When I asked my father what he thought this thing was, he replied that it was probably Hitler’s latest secret weapon. Somehow I couldn't believe him and from this moment onward I constantly scoured the sky, where I observed at night “moving stars” traveling high in the firmament—they were not airplanes.

Es dauerte nur einen Sekundenbruchteil, dann schoss der Silberblitz über uns hinweg und verschwand über dem etwa 5 Kilometer entfernten Wald. Dabei konnte ich sehen, dass es sich um eine grosse, runde, metallene Scheibe handelte. Auf eine Frage meinerseits an meinen Vater, was das denn gewesen sei, antwortete er mir, dass es sich wohl um die neueste Geheimwaffe Hitlers gehandelt habe. Ich konnte das nicht glauben, und so beobachtete ich fortan den Himmel, wobei ich dann jeweils nachts 'fahrende Sterne' am Himmel sah, die hoch am Firmament dahinzogen, und wobei es sich nicht um Flugzeuge handelte.

"It was my task to trigger a worldwide UFO controversy"

"Es war meine Aufgabe, eine weltweite UFO-Kontroverse auszulösen"

One day I felt an inner impulse and I heard some type of a voice which, from that point onward, began to speak to me. One day the voice summoned me to walk to Langenzinggen in the Höragen forest and told me to wait there for things to happen, namely, that a pearshaped flying object would be visiting me. I did as I was told and went to the designated location. Shortly after my arrival a silver, pearshaped flying object descended and landed on the ground before me. A very old man disembarked and addressed me in a friendly voice. He said his name was Sfath and explained he came from an alien planet and had many things to discuss with me and to teach me. This was my initial contact with an extraterrestrial human being which was followed by many others with Sfath. The contacts ended in 1953, only to be continued again until 1964 by a woman called Asket. When Sfath visited me, his point of origin was the Pleiades/Plejares; Asket, on the other hand, came from the DAL Universe, a parallel universe to ours—a twin universe. No further contacts took place until their resumption on January 28, 1975, by a young woman from Erra in the Pleiades/Plejares system which, by the way, is not identical to the Pleiades constellation we are familiar with. This new contact person was Semjase, and contacts with her continued into the early 1980s. Additionally, I was visited by Semjase’s sister, Pleja, their father Ptaah, and commander Quetzal. Since then two young women, Talida and Menara, among others, have also become my contact partners.

Eines Tages empfand ich Impulse in mir, und irgendwie hörte ich eine Stimme, die sich fortan mit mir unterhielt, bis sie mich eines Tages aufforderte, in den sogenannten Langenzinggen im Höragenwald zu gehen und dort auf das zu warten, was man mir ankündigte, nämlich, dass man mich dort mit einem birnenförmigen Fluggerät besuchen würde. Also folgte ich dem Ruf und ging zum benannten Ort. Dort angekommen, dauerte es nicht lange, dann senkte sich ein silbernes, birnenförmiges Fluggerät hernieder und landete. Ein sehr alter Mann stieg aus, der mich freundlich ansprach und mir erklärte, dass er Sfath sei und von einem fremden Planeten komme und dass er mit mir viele Dinge zu bereden und mich vieler Dinge zu belehren hätte. Das war mein erster Kontakt mit einem Menschen ausserirdischer Herkunft. Fortan fanden dann viele Kontakte mit Sfath statt, die 1953 endeten, um von einer Frau namens Asket weitergeführt zu werden bis zum Jahre 1964. Während Sfath von den Plejaden/Plejaren stammte, kam Asket aus dem DAL-Universum, das ein Schwesteruniversum zu unserem ist - ein Zwillingsuniversum. Bis 1975 fanden dann keine weiteren Kontakte statt, wonach sie am 28. Januar 1975 wieder aufgenommen wurden, und zwar von einem Mädchen von Erra, einem Planeten im Plejaden-/Plejarensystem, das nichts zu tun hat mit den uns bekannten Plejadengestirnen. Der Name der neuen Kontaktperson war Semjase, und die Kontakte mit ihr dauerten nur bis in die ersten Achtzigerjahre. Nebst ihr waren noch ihre Schwester Pleija sowie ihr Vater Ptaah und ein Kommandant namens Quetzal. Weitere Kontaktpersonen waren seither noch Mädchen namens Talida und Menara und andere.

The official contacts with me ended in the early morning hours of February 3, 1995. But this didn't signify the end of the contacts; only the official contacts ceased, since the Pleiadians/Plejaren had by this time completed their task on Earth. Private and unofficial interpersonal contacts are continuing without interruption and will do so until I expire and pass from this life.

Die offiziellen Kontakte endeten in den frühen Morgenstunden des 3. Februar 1995. Dies aber bedeutet nicht, dass die Kontakte endgültig abgebrochen sind, sondern eben nur, dass die offiziellen Kontakte aufgehört haben, weil die Plejadier/Plejaren ihre Aufgabe auf der Erde erfüllt haben. Die menschlichen, privaten und inoffiziellen Kontakte werden weiterhin gepflegt, und zwar derart lange, bis ich aus dem Leben scheide.

Where do the extraterrestrial intelligences come from and why do they visit us?

Können Sie uns mehr über die Herkunft der Ausserirdischen und den Grund ihres Kommens verraten?

The extraterrestrials with whom I maintain contact come from the Pleiades/Plejaren constellation. However, this constellation, as I have mentioned, is not identical to the Pleiades we observe from Earth in our own space-and-time-configuration at a distance of 420 light years. They are only approximately 62 million years old and as hot, blue suns, the Pleiades are absolutely incapable of supporting any form of life, either purely spiritual or material forms...

Die Extraterrestrier, mit denen ich Kontakt pflege, stammen vom Sternbild der Plejaden/Plejaren. Dieses Sternbild ist jedoch, wie ich schon sagte, nicht identisch mit den Plejaden, die wir in unserem Raum-Zeit-Gefüge von der Erde aus in etwa 420 Lichtjahren Entfernung sehen, denn diese sind erst rund 62 Millionen Jahre alt und als blaue, heisse Sonnen absolut unfähig, in irgendeiner Form Leben zu tragen, so also weder in rein geistiger noch in materieller Form ...

The Pleiadians/Plejaren are visiting us on Earth because they are directly associated with a particular terrestrial group who originally came to Earth from the Lyra-Vega systems—which also exists in another space-and-time-configuration shift from the Lyra-Vega constellations we know.

Die Plejadier/Plejaren besuchen uns auf der Erde, weil sie eine gewisse Verbindung zu einer bestimmten Gruppe Erdenmenschen aufweisen, die ursprünglich von den Lyra-Wega-Systemen zur Erde kamen, wobei diese Lyra-Wega-Systeme ebenfalls zu den uns bekannten zeit- und raumverschoben sind.

While on Earth, these original Lyrians-Vegans invoked a great deal of havoc among the terrestrial population in those early days, and because of them the Earth's human population lost their spiritual teachings and a life in accord with Creation. Other factors came into play during this period but they cannot be attributed to the Lyrians-Vegans. Instead, they result from other extraterrestrials who genetically manipulated human entities. These humans later came to Earth and interbred with other terrestrial inhabitants to the point where the entire terrestrial human population was ultimately affected genetically by this repeated process of heredity. In order to remedy this damage and misguidance, the Pleiadians/Plejarans felt an obligation to, once again, transmit the necessary teachings and essential information to the current terrestrial humans, so as to remedy the damage caused by both their direct ancestors and the damage generated by other intelligences.

Diese Ur-Lyraner/Weganer richteten auf der Erde unter den Erdenmenchen in frühesten Zeiten einiges Unheil an, wodurch die Lehre des Geistes und somit auch die schöpfungskonforme Lebensweise des Menschen verlorenging, wobei jedoch auch noch andere Faktoren mitspielten, die nichts mit den Lyranern/ Weganern zu tun hatten, sondern mit anderen Ausserirdischen, die Genmanipulationen an Menschen durchführten, die dann zur Erde kamen und sich hier mit anderen vermischten, wodurch schlussendlich die gesamte Menschheit auf der Erde davon betroffen wurde durch Vererbung und Wiedervererbung. Um nun den entstandenen Schaden und die Fehlsteuerung zu beheben, fühlen sich die Plejadier/Plejaren verpflichtet, die erforderliche Lehre und die notwendigen Informationen dem Erdenmenschen zu überbringen, um den durch ihre direkten Vorfahren angerichteten Schaden ebenso zu beheben wie auch jenen Schaden, den anderweitige Intelligenzen angerichtet haben.

Could you describe to us what transpires during one of your contacts?

Wie läuft ein Kontakt in der Praxis ab?

During my early contact years I frequently had to drive around on my moped for many miles before I would be telepathically led to an extremely remote site or to a lonely forest clearing, where the contact person normally was either waiting for me in the landed beamship, or else, was arriving within a few minutes. Occasionally several hours would elapse before an actual contact did take place because people were milling around the site or because I was being pursued—in the daytime as well as at night.

Für Kontaktaufnahmen während der ersten Jahre musste ich mit dem Moped oft viele Kilometer in der Gegend umherfahren, bis ich endlich, telepathisch geleitet, an einen äusserst einsamen Ort oder zu einer abgelegenen Waldlichtung geführt wurde, wo man in der Regel mit einem gelandeten Strahlschiff bereits auf mich wartete oder nach wenigen Minuten erschien. Manchmal dauerte es mehrere Stunden, bis auf diese Weise endlich ein Kontakt zustandekam, weil einfach ständig Leute überall waren oder weil man mich verfolgte, und zwar sowohl des Tags als auch bei Nacht.

Once in awhile I was permitted to bring other people to the rendezvous site, but they always had to wait at a distance of at least 500 meters/yards from the site. They were, however, often able to observe the beamships during their landing approaches or departures, and occasionally they witnessed flight or energy-burning flare demonstrations. Later on, once we moved to the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, I was rarely summoned into the forests for a contact. Instead, I was usually simply beamed into a spaceship, which meant that at times I was actually beamed up as I stood in the midst of a group of people. Several people can attest to such an event—as well as to the fact that on various occasions some group members viewed the beamships, their flight demonstrations, and even the extraterrestrials themselves. In 1982 I suffered a very severe breakdown which damaged my overall health. The recuperation from this adversity proved very difficult for me and it took a lot out of me. As a result, in the years between 1982 and 1989, while I was closer to death than to life, the Pleiadians/Plejarans visited me directly by beaming themselves into my office or wherever I happened to be when I was alone outdoors.

Manchmal war mir erlaubt, Leute mitzunehmen, die dann jedoch in mindestens 500 Meter Entfernung vom Kontaktort warten mussten, dafür aber oft den Anflug oder den Wegflug der Strahlschiffe sahen oder gar Flug- und Energieverbrennungsdemonstrationen sehen konnten. Zu späterer Zeit, als wir bereits im Semjase-Silver-Star-Center wohnten, da wurde ich nur noch selten zu einem Kontakt in die Wälder hinausbeordert, sondern man beamte mich in der Regel einfach in ein Strahlschiff hoch, wobei dies hie und da auch dermassen geschah, dass man mich mitten aus einer Gruppe Leute hinaufbeamte, was verschiedene Leute ebenso bezeugen können wie auch die Tatsache, dass verschiedene Gruppemitglieder mehrmals die Strahlschiffe oder deren Demonstrationen oder gar die Ausserirdischen selbst bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten sahen. Die letzten Jahre dann, seit 1982, nachdem ich einen sehr schweren Zusammenbruch hatte, der meine ganze Gesundheit schädigte und von dem ich mich nur äusserst mühsam wieder einigermassen erholte und über Jahre hinaus bis 1989 dem Tod näher stand als dem Leben, da besuchten mich die Plejadier/Plejaren direkt, indem sie sich in mein Büro beamten oder direkt zu mir, wenn ich allein irgendwo im Freien war.

How long does it take the Pleiadians/Plejarans to travel through space from their home worlds to Earth? And how is it possible for them to span the astronomic distance of approximately 500 light years?

Wie lange dauert ein Raumflug der Plejadier/Plejaren von ihren Heimatwelten bis zur Erde, und wie bringen sie es überhaupt fertig, diese astronomische Entfernung von rund 500 Lichtjahren zurückzulegen?

During their initial contact period the trip to our planet took them about 7 hours from their "shifted" space-and-time-configuration in the dimension beyond the Pleiades visible from Earth. Over time, and with their technology continually advancing, the trip was shortened to 7 minutes. Using their latest mode of transportation, which incorporates transmitters, they are able to traverse any designated distance throughout the entire universe instantly, without any loss of time whatsoever.

Zu Beginn der Kontakte dauerte der Anflug aus dem raum-zeit-verschobenen Gefüge jener Dimension jenseits der von der Erde aus sichtbaren Plejaden runde sieben Stunden. Mit der Zeit reduzierte sich der Anflug auf sieben Minuten, weil die Technik weiterentwickelt wurde. Die neueste Form der Reisemöglichkeit ist derart gestaltet, dass jede beliebige Distanz im gesamten Universum durch die Benützung von Transmittern absolut zeitlos und wirklich ohne jeglichen Zeitverlust überbrückt werden kann.

In the early contact years the extraterrestrials used beam, tachyon, and anti-matter propulsion systems, whereby they were able to reach multiples of the hyperspeed of light by using the latter two systems which enabled them to quickly conquer the immense distances. Though they continue to retain these technologies, they have added their latest mode of propulsion, which utilizes transmitters. The transmitters allow the Pleiadians/ Plejarans to program the coordinates of their final destination virtually to the last meter, thus allowing the travelers to reach their destination without any loss of time.

Während der ersten Zeit wurden noch Strahlantriebe, Tachyonenantriebe und Antimaterieantriebe benutzt, wobei mit den beiden letzteren vielfache šberlichtgeschwindigkeit erreicht wurde, durch die die riesigen Distanzen in kurzer Zeit bewältigt werden konnten. Diese Techniken werden auch weiterhin noch beibehalten, nebst der neuesten Reisemöglichkeit mit Transmittern, durch die praktisch auf den Meter genau die Zielkoordinaten programmiert werden können und ohne Zeitverlust das Ziel erreicht werden kann.

(the following English content is from Michael Hesemann's article 'The Meier Case: A UFO Contactee Exposed?' not included in German on the FIGU website)

Why do the extraterrestrials not land in full view of the public, for instance in front of the United Nations Palais in Geneva, the UN Headquarter in New York, or on the White House lawn in Washington?

The rationale for this vary. But one significant reason is that the Pleiadians/Plejaren are governed by a directive, which states that they are neither allowed to reveal themselves to terrestrials nor are they authorized to interfere in any manner, shape or form with the events of any planet's human population who is not yet capable of significant space travel, and who has not achieved a state of congenial peacefulness, humaneness, and cosmic interconnectedness with all life forms in an ethical, humanistic way. Therefore, the extraterrestrials from the Pleiades/Plejares have not been permitted to openly and freely move about or reveal themselves to terrestrials.

How was it possible for you to take such sharp photographs and movie footage of the extraterrestrial "beamships" and their flight maneuvers?

Their rationale was to designate me as the one who would produce the sharpest and best photographs and movie film footage the world has yet seen of extraterrestrial flying objects, which we terrestrials usually call UFOs. The material I produced would then serve to provoke a worldwide UFO controversy and, ultimately, as a wake-up call to Earth humans in matters pertaining to extraterrestrial life. And, as a logical consequence, the intent was to also force governmental agencies and the military into revealing their secret findings and research in UFO matters to the public, and to make the information accessible to everyone, including the facts regarding UFO crashes and their crews. The Pleiadians/Plejarans were convinced that this controversy would transpire and their objectives would be fulfilled only when I disseminated the film and photo material throughout the globe, thereby automatically triggering an equally worldwide conflict between the proponents and opponents of my material, statements, and the contact dialogues. This actually did happen, and even my opponents were unable to prevent the ever-growing number of additional proponents of my story and the contacts. Indeed, their ranks increasingly swelled the harder some antagonists tried to brand me a swindler and a fraud. Everything has unfolded as planned just as the Pleiadians/Plejarans predicted—namely, that more and more people will recognize the truth of my statements the harder the opposition insults and defames me.

What other material do you possess as evidence?

The Pleiadians/Plejarans gave me a sampling of various metal pieces from several stages of the production which were later analyzed in America. The metallurgist who analyzed the fragments reached the conclusion they must have been produced by a cold fusion process, which even today remains impossible to duplicate here on Earth. Such a technological advancement may not even be feasible for another 150 years. At a later date I was given some crystals, synthetic materials, and alloys made of copper, nickel, and silver, as well as pure silver which, by the way, came from our sister universe, the DAL Universe.
I have additional evidence in form of recorded whirring sounds from the beamships that could not be duplicated even by a dozen synthesizers in scientific laboratories. Furthermore, I was permitted to photograph a laser pistol with which I shot a hole through the trunk of a dying apple tree that miraculously began to bloom a short time later and bear fruit again ever since, something it had not done for years.

We must also take into account as evidence the various witnesses who frequently accompanied me and who were allowed to enter the vicinity of the contact sites. They, too, witnessed several beamship flight demonstrations; indeed, they themselves could even film or photograph them.

We should probably also include the extraterrestrials’ countless predictions about political, military and human events that would take place on Earth. With frightening accuracy and great detail they also predicted natural catastrophes and the like—all of which were recorded in my writings and have been distributed worldwide.

In spite of this evidence you continue to be accused of merely having photographed small models, creating double exposures, and taking pictures off the television set. What have you to say about such claims?

That they are beyond the absurd. There are plenty of witnesses who themselves have had the opportunity to view and photograph the beamships and even the extraterrestrials. They can verify that I never built or took along models of UFOs when together we drove, for instance, to the contact sites. And I could never have pulled off something like this secretly because my wife would never have stood for it. Therefore, I do not need to justify myself and I can only laugh about my defamers' jealous stupidity. Any further comments are superfluous.

How do you defend yourself against these attacks?

I know about the truthfulness of my contacts and that’s all I need for my defense—should I elect to take this stance. Because my contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren are real and true, I see no need to defend or justify myself in any manner, shape or form.

You lead a very reclusive lifestyle. Why?

Although the opposite is often claimed, my lifestyle stems by no means from a fear of the various assassination attempts which, so far, have been made on me a total of 13 times [15 as of June 10, '98]. The reasons why I maintain my low profile vary: First, I am no guru or leader of a sect, and for this reason I need not present myself publicly to gather followers or to represent myself as some saint, which I certainly am not by any means. Second, I do not want others to put me on a pedestal, for I am neither something special nor someone who enjoys being admired or gawked at; I am not on display like an animal in a zoo.
Furthermore, I am not inclined to have journalists interview me because, as a rule, they want only to sensationalize the material, whereby they twist and falsify the truth to the limit.

And yet your foes portray you as a guru and the leader of a sect because you founded an organization called FIGU. Just what is FIGU?

The "Free Community of Interests for Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies" (FIGU) is endeavoring to disseminate worldwide the truth about the Creational-natural laws and directives, and about a way of life that directs people toward the emergence of love, harmony, and humaneness, and a life of purposeful evolution.

The tasks associated with the teachings of the Creational-natural truth vary greatly and include campaigns against overpopulation, torture and capital punishment, the discrimination against women, and the abuse of children. We seek the protection of animals and nature, and we offer assistance to those in need, be it through food supplies, clothing, medication, household articles, tools or other items.

FIGU’s portfolio of tasks also includes counseling functions related to situations arising from everyday life situations. Such advice is provided free of charge, of course, for we are a non-profit group or, to be more precise, a legally established, non-profit association/organization.

Producing written material and books is another of FIGU's tasks, whereby the books are sold at cost and many brochures are even disseminated free of charge. We make no profit and, therefore, we are truly a non-profit organization.

How do you reply to the accusation that FIGU is a sect?

We certainly are not a sect, of course. We are neither a religious nor a sectarian group, nor are we a political, military or civil organization that is based upon any totalitarian and autocratic truth. Neither are we perfect in any way nor all-knowing. No member of FIGU is forced or coerced into believing or embracing anything that he or she cannot discover from within for him- or herself, or recognize as the actual truth without any external influences. We of FIGU have no guru, master or leader of a sect who stands above any other group member. We do have a leader who is in charge of everything without holding a special position within the group—namely me. Therefore, I am not a guru but only a normal member of the organization, respectively group, just like all the others—with the same rights and obligations.

Thank you, Mr. Meier!

translated German text © FIGU 1996-2024, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti
Original English text © Michael Hesemann
