Creational Truth - Newsletters

United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen

United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge


2017 - Vol 7
No. 8 - January

2013 - Vol 3
No. 7 - June
No. 6 - March

2012 - Vol 2
No. 5 - December
No. 4 - September
No. 3 - June
No. 2 - March

2011 Vol 1
No. 1 - December


 About Our group

United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen

United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge

Mission Statement

The United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen / United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge is an organization of like-minded individuals striving to learn and gain a deeper understanding of the various spiritual principles of the Creation, learning the true historical account of man's existence and purpose of life on Earth and incorporating the creational laws and recommendations of the Creation into our lives as taught by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) with the collaboration of FIGU, of his extraterrestrial friends as well as the higher evolved spirit levels of Arahat Athersata and Petale. Through this we seek to further our own consciousness development and create a greater sense of peace, real love, harmony, freedom, respect and equality in our own lives whereby we can contribute to and form a strong community assisting in the dissemination of the spiritual teaching to the English speaking individuals of the United States who are seeking the truth for their own consciousness development.


United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen

United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for the FIGU Mission-Knowledge

Our Fulfillment/Non-Fulfillment

Personal Fulfillment
 (Individual responsibility based on personal obligations not using someone else as a guideline)
These are only encouraged /suggested

    • Personal Development
      • Acquire essence of wisdom through incorporating into everyday life, all perceived, recognized impulses, which will become consciously worked out knowledge which will then be incorporated and lived through experience.
        • Learning from mistakes, Real experiences, etc.
      • Learning from personal experiences about the self finding equalizedness between negative and positive through an evolutionary process (Personal process of consciousness-discovery/development)
      • Realizing that our spirit-form is a part-piece of the Creation as are the spirit-forms of all other created creations
      • Attend Study Group Meetings
      • Become FIGU Passive Member
        • Receive Spiritual Teaching Lessons/Letters
        • Study and utilize the spiritual teaching / lessons in everyday life
      • Learn German
      • We encourage individuals to accept personal responsibility  for their actions based on the creational natural law of Causality (cause and effect) 
      • We recognize and respect the personal life of each individual and differences in personalities
      • Continuously consciously develop our own consciousness ourselves
      • Develop interpersonal relationships
      • Share FIGU information with those asking for it (non-proselytizing)
      • Support Group Fulfillment


 Group Fulfillment

    • Dissemination of Truth
      • Translations 
        • ongoing study of the German language
        • obtain FIGU authorization to translate FIGU material from German to US-English 
        • accurately translate German language FIGU material to US-English
        • obtain FIGU approval to disseminate translated material
    • Support FIGU Switzerland in its Mission/Fulfillment
    • Encourage others to learn the German language
    • Encourage individuals to accept personal responsibility for their actions based on the creational natural law of Causality (cause and effect) 
    • Recognize and respect the personal life of each individual and differences in personalities (private matters will stay private)
    • Develop a Website in support of our group's mission and the FIGU mission
    • Ultimately becoming a FIGU Studiengruppe (Study Group) then Landesgruppe (Land/Country Group)
    • Development of interpersonal relationships between members
    • Collaborate with/assist other US FIGU/ Pro-FIGU groups
    • Conduct ourselves responsibly and respectfully in a group environment
    • Incorporate system and order as a group (administration/organization)
    • Allow everyone to express their opinions working together as a group  (individual/group and community)
    • Respect diversity amongst one another
    • Share FIGU information with those asking for it (non-proselytizing)
    • To support Study Group Meetings (for individuals wanting to learn/discuss the spiritual teaching)



  • We are not an organization incorporated with any religious, sectarianism philosophies, idealisms or new age concepts based on a belief system of any kind.
  • We will not discourage personal research initiated by someone's own personal exploration however we will not include/validate these outside resources in any FIGU related studies or meetings. If the question regarding FIGU related or not FIGU related arises always refer to 'FIGU in a Nutshell'.
  • We do not condone the worshipping of Billy as a Guru, enlightened master, etc. (we do not idolize or participate in cult like worship of Billy)
  • The Spiritual Teaching will not be used to validate any belief systems 
  • We do not as a group fix individuals or their errors, everyone must take responsibility for their own consciousness development.
  • We do not engage in political discussions/endorsements/statements as a group
  • Do not just recite from Billy rather also use and apply one's own knowledge and essence of wisdom (integrating/explaining from personal experience) .


 What and Who we are

United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen

United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge

What we are ...
United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen (United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge) - a FIGU Proponent group based in the United States, fully supporting FIGU in its mission. We were approved by FIGU Switzerland on 12-May-2016 (updated 12-Nove-2017) as 'United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Mission-Knowledge'.

Who we are ...
Active United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen (United States Online FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge) members -
FIGU Passive Members -
Website Registered users -
Residents of the United States -

A brief history of our group ...
FIGU-Landesgruppe USA respectively, FIGU Society USA was dissolved August 6, 2011 by the Kerngruppe der 49 (Core group of 49) during its General Meeting, (see FIGU Special Bulletin 64). Our current group was originally formed on October 15 and 16, 2011 in Prescott, Arizona as an unsanctioned FIGU proponent group named 'Toward the Truth', to continue developing FIGU's mission in the United States. Our group's 'operational meetings' resulted in the creation of our website ( in December of 2011 and work began on translations and publishing of FIGU authorized material for anyone in the US interested in reading and studying our US-English translations in a US-English FIGU Reference Library . Our first 'Study Group meeting' was held February 19, 2012 and have also continued monthly since then. The group decided to change its name to 'Creational Truth' in August of 2012. We continued to function as a group holding several different monthly meetings since then and were approved by FIGU Switzerland to change our group name on 12-May-2016 (updated 12-Nov-2017) to 'United States Online FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen (United States Oline FIGU-Group for the Mission-Knowledge)'.
A detailed history of our group can be found in the article 'About our group, Past to Present' at:
