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!! FIGU Corona-Virus Warning Service !!
German announcements provided by
FIGU Switzerland (SSSC)
English translations provided by
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1-Mar-2020 - FIGU/SSSC - Visitor Restrictions
21-Mar-2020 - FIGU - Corona Virus Warning Service
26-Feb-2020 - What there is to say about the Corona-Virus and what there is to consider
- What is the origin of the Corona Virus and what is it exactly?
- How contagious is the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and how long is the incubation period?
- When and in whom will the disease develop?
- How can I protect myself against being infected with the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2)?
- What can be done to prevent the virus from spreading?
16-Mar-2020 - News about the Corona-Virus and what is rationally to be considered
- The transmission of the pathogens happened mainly through direct or indirect droplet infection, namely through breath-droplets/air borne droplets.
- Rules that must be observed
- How an infection with the corona-virus is expressed or which symptoms, for example, appear when Covid-19 has become acute
- Why also Europeans and members of the white races increasingly fall ill with Covid-19, and not only the Asians
- How much longer will the corona-virus continue to rage and can one hope that it retreats as soon as the temperatures rise?
- How can one’s own immune system best be supported?
24-Mar-2020 - FIGU - BEAM Advice for all FIGU Groups
30-Mar-2020 and
2-Apr-2020 - New, vital information about the Corona-Virus and other interesting news - Contact 731 & 734
- the rampantly spreading disease
- special precaution and measures
7-Apr-2020 - FIGU - Interesting things and things Worth Knowing About Viruses and Bacteria - Contact 735
- Bacteria and Viruses
17-Apr-2020 - FIGU - In times like these… outcoming effects of the Overpopulation
- Exorbitant overpopulation with all its negative outcoming effects
- When will we earth-human beings finally come to the rationality?
- How is one supposed to proceed in the correct wise with an outbreak of an epidemic/plague and thereby a threatening pandemic?
17-Apr-2020 - What we now can already learn from the Corona-catastrophe
- What we now can already learn from the Corona-catastrophe
- Ptaah from contact of 14-Apr-2020 - Covid-19 background information
19-Apr-2020 - FIGU - Further Important Information and Recommended Measures for the Current Situation - Contact 736
- UFO convoy moved over Schmidrüti
- the rampantly spreading corona disease / protective face masks
23-Apr-2020 - What There is to Know, Among Other Things, About Wearing a Mask - Contact 732
- transmission of the pathogen
- source of the pathogen in mid-2019
- culpability of the rampantly spreading virus
- Rules that should be followed
- How an infection with corona viruses manifests or which symptoms show when Covid-19 becomes acute?
- Why also Europeans and members of the white races increasingly fall ill with Covid-19, and not only the Asians
- How much longer will the corona-virus continue to rage and will it retreat as the temperatures rise?
- How the virus is transmitted and its survival duration outside of the human body
- How one’s own immune system can best be supported
- the coma impulse and it influence on future infections after initial infection
- spectator sport fanatics
- the correct use and value of FFP3 protective masks
2-May-2020 - Important explanations from Ptaah in regard to the Corona-virus and the function of the immune system - Contact 731
- Corona-Virus gene-mutating capability
- Religious punishment?
- Virus spreading to other life-forms
- Virus damage to multiple organs
- Psyche state effects the immune system
- function of the immune system
- strengthening the immune system
- corona disease and its effects on the organism
- four factors of the corona virus
- protecting one's self from the corona virus
9-May-2020 - Explanations from Ptaah about the background of the Corona pandemic and its true origin - Contact 728
- Origin of the Corona-Virus pandemic
11-May-2020 - Face Masks: Tips for the Right Usage and Cleaning
14-May-2020 - Where the Corona-Virus can Run Riot All Over the Body - Contact 730
- lung-disease
- immune-system
- blood vessels, intestines, brain, heart
- kidneys, liver, spleen, brain, stomach, pancreas
14-May-2020 - About the Maliciousness of the Coronavirus and the Actual Threat that Comes from it - Contact 737
- conspiracy theories
- the mutating and genetically ever-changing corona-virus
- This virus will last for a long time and will no longer be eradicable
- No tangible laws nor decisive guidelines for necessary safety and behavioral measures exist
- prevention of epidemics and pandemics before they begin to spread
- an inevitable consequence of overpopulation
19-May-2020 - The Latest Modes of Behavior that Ptaah Recommends - Contact 738
- explanations, necessities, information and advice regarding the necessary modes of behavior
- 44 percent of the population have not recognized the danger of the rampantly spreading corona disease
- Use of masks
- viruses do not correspond to life forms, rather to inanimate organic structures
- There are no medicines whatsoever to defend against viruses
- guidelines for contact with others
6-Jun-2020 - Information about further necessary modes of behavior and further information concerning the origin of the rampantly spreading disease - Contact 739
- temporal separation/isolation causing psychical hardship
- virus mutations resulting in a dangerous ultra-multi-virus
- The corona-virus corresponds to a multi-organ virus
- The corona-virus can never be finally eliminated, rather it will remain existent under the surface for a very long time
- multi-fold symptoms and affects of the corona-virus and its mutations
- the feeble-minded assertions of the Trample-Tramp-Trump-clown
- conspiracy theories and their believers
- the case with the irresponsible world leaders
- official and governmental safety-based orders, regulations and ordinances are insufficient
6-Jun-2020 - A thank you from Ptaah and the Plejaren generally to all human beings who act rationally and responsibly - Contact 739
- Use of these warnings by scientific circles, such as micro-biology, virology and infection epidemiology
- Use of these warnings by specialist doctors such as specialists of bacteriology, parasitology, immunology as well as serology as well as mycology, mycobacteriology, microbiology and molecular biology and symptomology
- unpredictability of the virus, state leaders and corona-virus conspiracy theorists
- corona-virus will continue to rampantly spread due to negligence
15-Jun-2020 - Special thanks from Ptaah - Contact 739
- A thank you from Ptaah, The Plejaren Committee and all Plejaren friends
15-Jun-2020 - Further information about necessary modes of behavior, which absolutely ought to be heeded - Contact 740
- Due to incompetent state-leaders and ignored warnings, 500,000 Corona deaths by the end of June
- Contact 740 - Effects of the corona-virus on the body
- Much too premature relaxing and lifting of the halfway effective measures
- Masks must be worn in public
- Don't pay attention to all sorts of conspiracy theories and who demonstrate against, deny or ridicule security measures
29-Jun-2020 - End of June: Over 10 million infected ones worldwide! The first wave is only approaching its peak, contrary to alternative claims - Contact 741
- loosening, reducing and largely ending the already inadequate safety regulations
- an unparalleled irresponsibility which already today leads to a wave of coronavirus infections and many corona deaths worldwide
- Much too premature relaxing and lifting of the halfway effective measures
- Increasingly infections will arise without them being able to be medically-virologically proven
- the male sex in particular reacts in a more susceptible form to the corona virus than the female sex
- the virus causes brain damage as well as visual impairment, bleeding, balance disorders, language difficulties, organ failure, cardiac complications, that is to say, heart related complications, and throat diseases as well as various other diseases and ailments
- Cthere is a constant danger of being infected with the insidious rampantly spreading disease by persons who are infected by the virus but do not show any symptoms themselves
- Much too premature relaxing and lifting of the halfway effective measures
- the coronavirus results in a form of disease that allows recovery but not an effective cure
- the virus continues to exist despite recovery, namely through the inclusion of a viral deposit in antibodies
- listing of all situations masks should be mandated as well as function and protection capability of various types of masks
4-Jul-2020 - A Thank You Letter
- A thank you to Ptaah, The Plejaren Committee and all Plejaren friends from FIGU
4-Jul-2020 - The relaxing which is now announced worldwide leads to a new wave of coronavirus infections as well as to many corona-deaths - Contact 742
- an arrogance and low intelligence prevails in regard to intellect and rationality with the majority of the state leaders and municipal administrators and likewise with the majority of the supposed medical experts
- The same applies for the majority of all the populations of all the countries worldwide, as the irresponsible demonstrations as well as the reckless general security-opposing behavior show
- the relaxation of the curfews and the rescinding of the duty of wearing protective masks – which has been announced for weeks, because of the state leaders, municipal officials, virologists and other supporters of the relaxation – will lead to a new wave of coronavirus infections worldwide as well as to many corona deaths
- it is not a second wave, as is erroneously assumed, rather it is a further escalation of the ever-continuing outbreak and emergence of the rampantly spreading corona disease
- the coronavirus most of all spreads via expiration droplets, that is to say, aerosols
- the virus can very quickly spread and indeed especially when persons get together in groups or masses
- deposits occur on the surfaces of objects, then the coronavirus, as our research shows, is able to survive up to 3 days and even up to 96 hours
- Viruses cannot die off, because they are not life forms, they are organic structures that cannot be killed
- Many show only mild and flu-like symptoms, while others show no kinds of signs of an infection at all, however are nonetheless infected by the virus and can also pass on the rampantly spreading disease
- left behind by the virus in the human organism – be it after a recovery or during an infectious state in which no infection can be detected – the virus can form and maintain undetectable long-term damage
- every human being who is infected by the coronavirus is a carrier of the rampantly spreading disease
- also children can become infected by the virus and even die of it
- The coronavirus especially takes hold on immune systems that are already compromised and are weakened in terms of energy
- disorders of the psyche and anxiety lead to susceptibility to the coronavirus
- also human beings of every age can be affected due to various reasons; for example, as a consequence of exhaustion, lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- an iron deficiency anemia as a consequence of vegetarianism and veganism
- the danger of infection is called for with long stays in closed rooms, if infected persons stay in there
- outdoors via the wind the expiration droplets, that is to say, the aerosols, are carried up to 10 or 15 or more meters
- air conditioners as well as air circulation systems can also distribute the virus particles across quite a distance
- cut foods, can be a breeding ground for the virus, especially cut meat - regular hand washing and body hygiene count as personal protective measures, just as the wearing of suitable gloves
- If typical corona symptoms arise, then a corona test and a self-imposed house arrest should occur
- a swab test for virus genetic material a test shows a high degree of accuracy in regard to the new coronavirus
- evidence of antibodies does not mean a final healing or immunity
- a certain group of human beings with anitbodies can accordingly remain infectious for an undetermined time
- corona infection’s acute continued-existence-of-the-impulse which is still not known to terrestrial medical science and is not detectable
- If a contact with an infected person has occurred, then a corona test should immediately be done and one should voluntarily isolate oneself from other human beings for at least 30 days, due to actual incubation period
- the state leaders and municipal officials determine and act in such low intelligence and therethrough present a bad and death-bringing model for the populations
- the irresponsible rescinding and ending of the safety precautions contributes to The infections and deaths in regard to the still raging rampantly spreading corona disease which will continue unrestrainedly world-wide - a second wave will follow, it can break out already by autumn or winter or even only next year
- hundreds of thousands of infections, which now until the end of the month of June will increase to high above 10 million
19-Jul-2020 - Damages, that the Corona-Virus can produce - Contact 743
- state/country leaders incapable of handling the Corona-epidemic
- dumb actions of the loosening or terminating the security-measures will bring serious results
- Trump is the most dangerous man of the world
- Epidemic/plague pathogens are transmitted in closed spaces through the air
- Outdoors, Corona-viruses is further carried with the wind as with calm-wind, consequently greater distances must be observed from person to person
- If people stand too close together, a risk-of-contagion exists, and indeed also then, when inappropriate simple masks are worn
- The Corona-virus can cause mild or severe organ damages such as:
-- Damage to the lungs
-- Damage to the heart
-- Damage to the coronary vessels
-- Damage to the heart valves
-- Damage to the respiratory systems
-- Damage to the kidneys
-- Damage to the brain
-- Damage to the consciousness
-- Damage to the pancreas
-- Damage to the blood vessels
-- Damage to the mucous membranes
-- Damage to the limbic system
-- Damage can actually befall all organs
-- There is no life-time immunity against Corona-Virus
- Corona-Virus will continue to exist for all time, even after the termination of the pandemic
- There is no herd immunity
- Once suffered and recovered from Corona, there is no protection from a new infection
- Once recovered from Corona, a further infection can still be deadly
- Also Corona-illnesses can easily cause diverse organ-ailments
- Diverse organ-ailments, which arise after a complete recovery from the Corona-Virus; are embedded in the organs and can trigger different ailments/sufferings and diseases for years or decades
- Corona-Virus exhibits long-term effects in the body of the human beings
- Corona-Virus also befalls domestic animals and all other mammals, as however also some non-mammals
- actual origin of the Corona-Virus and who actually bears the guilt for the pandemic
31-Jul-2020 - Further important recommendations regarding modes of behavior in view of the still rapidly rising first corona-wave - Contact 747
- water (as well as air) can also be a carrier of the Coran-Virus (e.g., public pools, lakes and streams. etc.)
- easing of the otherwise only halfway effective lockdown will result in many millions of coronavirus infected human beings world-wide, as well as hundreds of thousands of corona virus deaths
- Corona- infractions and deaths is the fault of the incompetent responsible ones of the state and the populations themselves
- various doctors, virologists, immunologists and conspiracy theorists, as well as certain mighty ones of the state and so forth, negate the facts and trivialize or vehemently deny the whole of the circumstances of the rampantly spreading disease and the disease itself
- populations of all countries have hardly, extremely reluctantly or not at all adhered to the half-way good and correct health precautions as well as precautionary and safety measures
- due to a premature relaxation of the lockdown, the number of infections and deaths across the globe has now drastically increased
- corona infections will exceed the 20 million mark
- The mighty ones of the states and the authorities, as well as the majority of the simple-minded populations, still do not take and implement the necessary proper health precautions
- the whole of the current occurrence of the worldwide spread of the corona pandemic is not the result of a so-called second wave
- the irresponsibility of the incapable mighty ones of the states who have thoughtlessly, and therefore with low intelligence, declared the previous lockdown orders to be over and therewith have shifted their responsibility onto the populations
- The majority of the populations has become completely indifferent and irresponsible regarding the rampantly spreading disease in terms of maintaining their own health
- Persons who have fallen ill with the corona virus and recovered from it again will not have life-long immunity, just as no herd immunity against this virus is possible; rather immunity will be of limited duration, depending on the case
- Persons, who have fallen ill with the corona virus and recovered from it again, will be susceptible to various ailments and diseases for the rest of their lives
- the protective measures and precautions against an infection by the corona virus must now be adhered to much more strictly
- new safety and preventive regulations against the risk of infection by the corona-virus must be taken into consideration and implemented (16 point list)
3-Aug-2020 - Latest Corona-research cognitions of the Plejaren and about the Benefit of Sport - Contact 743
- Once acutely infected with the coronavirus, the infected ones can carry the pathogen in them as a long-term infection for many months or even years
- a reappearance of the rampantly spreading corona disease can occur from time to time, just as other ailments and diseases can be triggered by it, which, as corona virus complications, are able to bring about health problems for the rest of one’s life
- a corona infection is often wrongly diagnosed as summer flu
- During infection and the subsequent recovery, the rampantly spreading corona disease produces antibodies which are useless as a certain protection against a new infection
- Risk factors such as pre-existing illness, being overweight, smoking, alcohol abuse, excessive sport, exhaustion, psychical illness and a weakened immune system are just as significant risks in the case of a corona infection
- Both mild and severe cases of the rampantly spreading corona disease mean for every patient that in the future, even after recovery, he/she will be more or less a carrier of imperceptible mild to severe organic damage
- Once infected by the corona virus, various organs in the body are attacked and ‘marked’ by viral infections which can barely or not at all be detected
- if an infectious disease test is carried out, it will give a positive result in a person infected by the corona virus, but the rampantly spreading corona disease cannot be detected as such
- a corona virus infection that is not noticeable or is barely noticeable, or a corona virus infection that is severe and overcome, even after recovery generally brings about imperceptible organic complications in all human beings, which however only become active in the course of further life and until the end of it
- The rampantly spreading corona disease, if a recognized or unrecognized infection has developed, can last for months, namely depending on the moment of mutation and intensity as well as regarding the immune status of the infected person
- contrary to the confused terrestrial human claims and representations of so-called sports fanatics, sports teachers, health apostles, physicians and other ‘experts’, who portray sport as healthy and strengthening the body, sports activities involve organic health risks, namely also brain damage and damage of the consciousness, as well as accident risks, which provoke physical damage or even death
- Sports-obsessed ones are those who are pathologically ill in their consciousness and who, in their sports delusion – whether privately or professionally – have to prove themselves anew every day
- Overcome coronavirus diseases, which have taken an imperceptible course – this possibility actually exists – or have taken a severe course, can, after 6 or more months or after years, still cause lung disease, and other diseases that are predetermined by the rampantly spreading disease and become life-threatening
- recovering from the rampantly spreading corona disease is doubtful because a recovery does not necessarily mean effective healing
- the state of health condition that existed before the illness. In this respect, this state is never again possible in the case of an infection by the corona virus, because this virus settles in all organs of the human body
- after a corona virus infection there can no longer be a state of complete recovery, that is to say, a state of complete physical, consciousness-based and social well-being
17-Aug-2020 - How the Situation is with the Corona Waves And how the State Leaders Exercise their Responsibility - Contact 748
- claims of 2nd & 3rd waves started are premature, the 1st wave is still going on
- false statements are constantly made about the number of cases, as well as the corona infections and corona deaths
- in dealing with the corona pandemic, the majority of the terrestrial human beings are obviously just as unteachable as the majority of those responsible for the countries, who are supposed to make an effort about the safety of their peoples, but which they do not do
- the majority of the populations themselves, which – contrary to their being concerned for health and respecting life, and completely irresponsibly and indifferently – indulge in their many pathological cravings for pleasures and pursue them, as a result of which the rampantly spreading corona disease cannot be stopped, but spreads further and claims more and more victims
- what will occur before the first wave is considered over and a second wave actually begins
- when the human being is master of conscious intelligent-rational thought, but does not use it, then a state of low intelligence arises and this state prevails in the majority of peoples just as it does in their governments, which is why they do not strive for the necessary health and safety measures and can neither prescribe nor enforce them, wherethrough many victims are to be mourned
- still 1st Corona pandemic wave, which is rolling all over the world, that by autumn, around about 22 million human beings or more will be infected by the corona virus and there will be over one million deaths
- that which corresponds to the truth is that the total number of corona infections and corona deaths worldwide is 11.4 times higher than is generally wrongly calculated, because all effective facts are neither really recognized nor researched.
- Today’s 'modern' technology alone – still in the early stages of a higher development – corresponds to a great danger for the continued existence of the terrestrial humanity, because, as a result of its underdevelopment of consciousness, all conceivable old and new inventions of all kinds, values and unvalues are always immediately transformed into weapons and works of destruction, annihilation and extermination and with those terribleness, wars, murders and terror are carried out.
- certain sections of the responsible state leaders and relevant responsible authorities in all the countries of the Earth have recklessly assessed the whole of the dangerousness of the corona-virus to be a bagatelle and insignificant or as very weakened and dangerless, and in some cases it is irresponsibly still considered harmless
- in large parts of the populations, especially among those who are of pathological low intelligence, who go around in indifference and thoughtlessness, but also among confused know-it-alls and completely irresponsible conspiracy theorists, through whom everything gets very badly out of the control of the good human nature in such a form that all indispensable safety precautions are inevitably trivialized and disregarded.
- the necessary obligation to wear protective masks is largely abolished, ridiculed and, moreover, the state authorities leave it to the discretion of the population in various places; consequently such protective precautions, that is to say, the wearing of protective masks, can be determined according to the personal decision of the individual person, which brings corona infections for many human beings of Earth and also causes the corona deaths to increase more and more, which will soon exceed the official million mark.
- this will not lead to a fact of rationality, because the entire economy and the associated commerce as well as the financial might will continue to remain the more important side of all irrationality and will therefore continue to occupy it, indeed contrary to the necessary safety with regard to the health and life of the Earth’s human beings in general
- the majority of those responsible and the majority of the mighty ones of the state and the authorities are never-the-less keeping the population in the dark about the great danger of the rampantly spreading corona disease, in order to further the will of the economic lobby, that is to say, of the entirety of the institutions, companies and corporations and with regard to furthering measures concerning the production and consumption of all economic goods
- the rest of the evil is done in the form of playing down the danger of corona, by rescinding any obligation to wear a protective mask and by leaving it to the will of the majority of citizens who are incapable of rationality-bearing consideration and cognitions.
- among the majority of the heads of states and leading authorities on Earth surpass everything we have ever encountered among any peoples of other worlds in terms of irrationality, egoism, irresponsibility and enrichment to the detriment of humanity.
- If all of the negative of the state leaders and authorities is analyzed, then no real general people-benefiting values can be recognized, but only egoistic self-interests through which the majority of the mighty ones of the state and higher administration leaders elevate themselves and shine in their own glory and feel adored, but truthly do not want to do anything for their people.
- to all of the entire FIGU community all around the world, and all of them ought to follow my advice by following all of our recommendations regarding the safety precautions mentioned, through which they can optimally protect themselves from the corona-virus – with a certain degree of safety – by wearing protective masks and by keeping their distance from other persons on all their paths and errands and so forth and wherever they go.
30-Aug-2020 - How the Corona Pandemic will Develop Further - Contact 749
- As Overpopulation increases - unemployment increases
- robot technology - automated product production make human beings totally redundant for work processes
- uninhibited increase in the overpopulation resulting in chaotic disorder and Gewalt
- Gewalt producing Ausartungen (things getting very badly out of control of the good human nature)
- parts of the populations rebel against all the precautionary measures taken by governments and authorities and they do not abide by the necessary decrees and rules
- unconcernedness around the personal well-being and that of the fellow human beings
- personal unconcernedness towards one's own well-being and towards the fellow human beings
- large parts of the populations unconcernedly and irresponsibly disregard the precautionary measures regarding corona and therewith the protection rules that are recommended or prescribed against the rampantly spreading corona disease
- irresponsibly they travel abroad on airplanes, private vehicles or on public transport, organize small and large amusement parties and binge drinking, visit brothels, cinemas, bars, inns and theaters as well as participate in public music shows
- swimming at river beaches and sea beaches or public swimming pools, all of which are teeming with earthlings who are unconcerned and irresponsible with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease, is a source of infections and deaths by the corona virus, as are altogether any demonstrations and other human mass gatherings of any kind.
- A certain majority of all governors and Earth’s population are completely irresponsible and unconcerned with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease
- This, however, will be a disaster for many of them when they become infected or even have to pay for their unconcernedness, ignorance and irresponsibility with their lives.
- all the figures known to date regarding the number of infected ones and fatalities due to the rampantly spreading corona disease do not correspond to the facts
- this virus continues to go through phases of mutation, which from time to time cause new susceptibilities to disease, which, as a rule, are not recognized by the entire terrestrial medical science
- in a few weeks the death toll to be mourned will exceed one million. However, this only applies to the official cases
- all the rational explanations and advice that are given are not being remembered or understood by numerous unteachable ones and therefore are neither taken seriously nor followed by them.
- the entire spreading of the rampantly spreading disease is the result of the inability of the governors and authorities as well as the WHO and the official health organizations, who are neither able to assess in any form the effectively precarious situation, nor to determine and implement the necessary measures
- it is the masses of the populations themselves, who are utterly incompetent with regard to intellect and rationality, who, in their low intelligence, do everything to drive the evil forward even more
- the leaders of the people have shifted the responsibility away from themselves and consequently, instead of enforcing all necessary protective measures against the corona virus, they have dissolved the lock-down
- inadequate modes of behavior of the leaders and that section of the population which is simpleminded and mentally incompetent with regard to intellect and rationality, all evil and terribleness in every kind and form, up to destruction, annihilation as well as rampant death, can unstoppably spread further throughout the world
- 11 important things that should again be mentioned
- 9 things remain valid and should be observed
6-Sep-2020 - Center Visits under Corona Pandemic Conditions
22-Sep-2020 - Additional Corona Pandemic Information #1 - Contact 750
30-Sep-2020 - Additional Corona Pandemic Information #2 - Contact 753
21-Oct-2020 - The 2nd Wave of the Corona Pandemic Becomes a Global Wildfire – and About the Suitability of Different Masks - Contact 754
22-Oct-2020 - Measures for the 2nd Corona Wave - Contact 755
26-Jan-2021 - Information About Corona, Viruses in General and About Health
26-Jan-2021 - Update on Corona—Contact 759
26-Jan-2021 - Corona-Virus Background Information - Contact 760
5-Jan-2021 - Reader’s Question about Corona Tests
5-Jan-2021 - Center visits under Corona epidemic/plague conditions
26-Jan-2021 - Behavior in the event of increased risk of Infection - Contacts 761 & 762
6-Feb-2021 - And Still More to Say of Importance!
22-Feb-2021 - About Exercising Responsibility by Those in Government
22-Feb-2021 - Answers to Corona Questions - Contact 765
22-Feb-2021 - Long-term Effects of Corona - Contact-766
6-Apr-2021 - What there is to explain about Corona Vaccinations - Contact 767
1-May-2021 - Facts About the Corona Vaccinations - Contact 769
24-May-2021 - About the Safety of Corona Vaccinations Contact 770
3-Jun-2021 - Further Information on Corona Vaccinations - Contact 770
27-Jul-2021 - Warning Against Relaxations and the Corona Vaccinations - Contact 771
7-Aug-2021 - About Side Effects of Corona Vaccinations - Contact 772
23-Aug-2021 - Additional Information on Corona Vaccinations - Contact 772
6-Sep-2021 - Internet publications on corona vaccinations - Contact 774
7-Sep-2021 - Consequences of the Corona Vaccination Insanity - Contact 775
14-Sep-2021 - Split of the Community due to the Corona Immunization Delusion - Contact 777
28-Oct-2021 - New, Still Undiscovered Corona Mutant in England - Contact 780
7-Nov-2021 - Why Booster Vaccinations Must Occur - Contact 781
14-Nov-2021-Behavioural Recommendations from Ptaah - Contact 782
15-Nov-2021-Societal Influences due to Corona Measures-Contact 783
19-Nov-2021-Restrictions against unvaccinated ones - Contact 784
22-Nov-2021-What the Value of the Present Vaccines is - Contact 785
27-Nov-2021-Nazi methods in regard to forced inoculation - Contact 786
5-Dec-2021-Low Intelligentum with Regard to Corona - Contact 787
30-Dec-2021-About the spreading of the new Corona variant - Contact 788
6-Jan-2022-Useful Masks against Corona - Contact 789
23-Jan-2022-Behavior in regard to Corona - Contact 790
25-Feb-2022-False Information in regard to Corona - Contact 793
15-Apr-2022-Latest Research Results on Corona Vaccinations - Contact 798
Please check back, as more information becomes available and translated, we will update this list
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Corona Virus Warning Service