Download | "The Great Bow is drawn” or A wake-up to all FIGU members and mission-connected ones, who are still in the 'sleep-mode'. | Source | «Der grosse Bogen ist gespannt» oder Ein Weckruf an alle FIGU-Mitglieder und Missionsverbundenen, die noch im ‹Schlafmodus› sind | Achim Wolf | FIGU Bulletin No. 84 (June 2014) pages 1 - 3 | FIGU Society | Patrick McKnight |
Download | 77 Affirmations | | | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Meditation from Clear Sight(Meditation aus klarer Sicht) pgs 239-240 | Spiritual Teaching | clemmm |
Download | A Split Second | | - | Vibka Wallder | FIGU Landesgruppe Australia | Spiritual Teaching | Original in English |
Download | A Surreptitious Environmental Catastrophe - The Desert will Win | Source | Schleichende Umweltkatastrophe – Die Wüste wird siegen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | A Word to Those Who Pronounce Me Guilty ... | Source | Ein Wort an die, welche mich schuldig sprechen ... | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles (pages 245-246) | FIGU Society | Adam Dei Rocini - 7th February, 2015 |
Download | All About Hair | | | Vibka Wallder | FIGU Landesgruppe Australia | FIGU Society | |
Download | All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion | Source | Alle sieben Gebetsformen von Nokodemion | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | | Spiritual Teaching | Vibka Wallder (12-Dec-2012) |
Download | An open word of the Plejaren Ptaah in the matter of antagonists against FIGU, Billy and FIGU-Members (from the 662nd contact-discussion from 3 November 2016, 9:58) | Source | Ein offenes Wort des Plejaren Ptaah in puncto Widersacher gegen die FIGU, Billy und FIGU-Mitglieder (aus dem 662. Kontaktgespräch vom 3. November 2016, 9.58 h) | Ptaah/Billy | FIGU - Open Words of the Truth and Time No. 04 pgs 1-5 | FIGU Society | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Antisemitism, stranger-enmity (xenophobia), hatred of strangers, hatred of Jews, Jew-enmity, racial hatred, racism, group-enmity, hatred of groups, neighbor-enmity, hatred of neighbors, hatred of family, society-enmity, hatred of society | Source | Antisemitismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Fremdenhass, Judenhass, Judenfeindlichkeit, Rassenhass, Rassismus, Gruppenfeindlichkeit, Gruppenhass, Nachbarfeindlichkeit, Nachbarhass, Familienhass, Vereinsfeindlichkeit, Vereinshass | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Open Words of the Truth and Time No. 04 (pgs 5 - 18) | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Baby Boom | Source | Babyboom | B. Harnisch | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Becoming and Passing | Source | Werden und Vergehen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles (pages 94-96) | Spiritual Teaching | Adam Dei Rocini |
Download | Cabbalism - Numerology - Horoscopolgy (Astrology), can therewith destiny-determining significances be calculated? | Source | Kabbalistik - Numerologie - Horoskopie, können damit schicksalsbestimmende Bedeutungen errechnet werden? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Question 102 - From Billy's book 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit (Creation-Energy), Teaching of the Life' (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' pages 112-116 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Changing-form of the genders through incarnation | Source | Wechselform der Geschlechter durch Inkarnation | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Things Worth Knowing No. 04 (pages 13 - 17) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Concerning this (to manipulate the human beings via the television, the computers and the internet) an excerpt from the 512th official contact report from 1 January 2011 | Source | Hierzu (die Menschen via die Television, die Computer und das Internet zu manipulieren) ein Auszug aus dem 512. offiziellen Kontaktbericht vom 1. Januar 2011 | Billy / Ptaah | Excerpt from Contact 512 (FIGU Sign of the Times #66 - Apr 2017) | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Contempt | Source | Verachtung | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 2-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Creational-natural Laws and Recommendations | Source | Schöpferisch-natürliche Gesetze und Gebote | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 14-Mar-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Do Fauna and Flora also have storage-banks? | Source | Haben Fauna und Flora auch Speicherbänke? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' page 112 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Dreams | Source | Träume | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 9-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Effects of Caesarean Section Births on the Mother and her Child / Test Tube Conception (In-Vitro Fertilisation) | Source | Auswirkungen von Kaiserschnittgeburten auf die Mutter und ihr Kind / Reagenzglasbefruchtung (In-vitro-Fertilisation) | Marianne Uehlinger Mondria | FIGU Special Bulletin No. 49 | Overpopulation | Vibka Wallder - 19-Feb-2017 |
Download | Environment world pollution as a result of the overpopulation | Source | Umweltweltverschmutzung infolge der Überbevölkerung | M. Brügger | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Environmental Protection | Source | Umweltschutz | W. Stauber | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Environmental Protection is a Human Duty | Source | Umweltschutz ist Menschenpflicht | B Harnisch | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Equal Rights - 2 | Source | Gleichberechtigung | E. Moosbrugger | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Equal Rights - 3 | Source | Equal Rights - 3 | Hans Georg Lanzendorfer | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Equivalence of Same Sex Life – Partnerships… Or…Switzerland also makes Progress! | Source | Gleichwertigkeit gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften ... oder ... auch die Schweiz macht Fortschritte! | Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer | | Overpopulation | Andres Criado and Kenneth Crawford |
Download | Everyday Meditation | Source | Alltagsmeditation | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 25-Apr-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Excerpt from Contact 666 - Calumny by Mahesh Karumudi | Source | Auszug aus dem 666. Kontakt - Verleumdung durch Mahesh Karumudi | Billy / Ptaah | the website figu,org/ch | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Excerpts from the official 688th Contact-report from the 20th of August 2017 (re: Witchcraft, EU-Refugees, 9/11 attack, Russian-US Election interference, secret shuttle) | Source | Auszüge aus dem offiziellen 688. Kontaktbericht vom 20. August 2017 | Billy / Ptaah | FIGU Sign of the Times No. 78 (Sep 2017) pages 1 - 5 | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Feminists- / Emancipated- / Female Extremists-Societies and normal, healthy rational women | Source | Feministinnen- / Emanzen- / Extremistinnen-Vereine und normale, gesunde vernünftige Frauen | B. Harnisch & 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Fight against Child Abuse | Source | Kampf gegen Kindesmisshandlung | E. Moosbrugger | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Fight against Torture and the Death Penalty | Source | Kampf gegen Folter und Todesstrafe | FIGU | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Fight of the Overpopulation | Source | Kampf der Überbevölkerung | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | FIGU groups and non-hierarchical structures/ Things Worth Knowing/ Working and Learning within the Group | Source | FIGU-Gruppen und nicht-hierarchische Strukturen/ Wissenswertes/ Lernen und arbeiten innerhalb der Gruppe | Philia Stauber | FIGU Switzerland Website | FIGU Society | Philia Stauber |
Download | FIGU in a Nutshell | | FIGU kurz und bündig | FIGU Switzerland | | FIGU Society | FIGU Society USA - Jan 1997 |
Download | FIGU Open Letter #14 - To the adolescents, young persons and adults of this Earth, who have not yet found the right and true purpose in life as well as have not yet found the effective values of life and have not experienced thoughts about the tragedy of your highest conflicting upbringing-education, the imparting of false values, irrational ideologies and questionable-cult-religious world views | Source | FIGU Offener Brief #14 - An die Halbwüchsigen, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen dieser Erde, die den richtigen und wahren Lebensinhalt sowie die effectiven Werte des Lebens noch nicht gefunden und nicht erfahren haben Gedanken über die Tragödie eurer höchst widersprüchlichen Erziehung, die Vermittlung falscher Werte, irriger Ideologien und zweifelhaft-kultreligiöser Weltanschauungen | Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer | FIGU Open Letter #14 Nov. 2014 | FIGU Society | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Friendship, Love, Feelings for Others and Tolerance are a Necessity | Source | Freundlichkeit, Liebe, Mitgefühl und Toleranz sind eine Notwendigkeit | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 17-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | How and Why the Evil Begins in Human Beings | Source | Wie und warum das Böse im Menschen beginnt | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 19-Sep-2012 BEAM Portal / Free Texts | Spiritual Teaching | Bruce Lulla |
Download | Human Rights are Human Duties | Source | Menschenrechte sind Menschenpflichten | E. Moosbrugger | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Humanity and Love for the Next One | Source | Humanität und Nächstenliebe | B. Harnisch | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Human-unworthiness and Hatred… | Source | Menschenunwürdigkeit und Hass … | Philia Stauber | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Is there a universal causal foreordination or 'chance'? | Source | Gibt es eine universale Fügung oder ? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Question 132 - From Billy's book 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit (Creation-Energy), Teaching of the Life' (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' pages 152-163 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Meditation about Death is Important | Source | Meditation über den Tod ist wichtig | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU - Free Texts | Spiritual Teaching | Bruce Lulla |
Download | My first UFO sighting, and the first subsequent following contacts | Source | Meine erste UFO-Sichtung und die ersten danach folgenden Kontakte | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte - Block 1 pages 4 -10 | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | My Spirit | | Mein Geist | Henoch | | Spiritual Teaching | Philia Stauber |
Download | Negative and positive - Entry of the spirit-form into the physical body | Source | Negativ und Positiv - Einzug der Geistform in den physischen Körper | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer)' on pages 136-137 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Parenthood and the Desire to Have a Baby | Source | Elternschaft und Kinderwunsch | Christian Frehner | excerpt from FIGU's overpopulation booklet #13 | Overpopulation | Christian Frehner |
Download | Peace, Freedom, Humaneness - Xenophobia and Racial Hatred | Source | Frieden, Freiheit, Menschlichkeit – Fremden- und Rassenhass | Barbara Harnisch & 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Racism | Source | Rassismus | Christina Glasser | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Racism, neo-Nazism, Extremism, Antisemitism | Source | Rassismus, Neonazismus, Extremismus, Antisemitismus | Christian Frehner | website & FIGU Bulletin #28, pages 2 - 3 | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Randolph Winters - Falsification | Source | Randolph Winters | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 29 pages 6-7 | FIGU Society | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Reader Question - What precisely is the overall-consciousness-block? | Source | Leserfrage - Was genau ist der Gesamtbewusstseinblock? | Barbara Lotz / 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 44 (Aug 2003) (pages 14 - 16) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Reader Question concerning Weapons from 4 January 2017 | Source | Leserfrage hinsichtlich Waffen vom 4. Januar 2017 | U. Surber // 'Billy' Eduard Alber Meier | FIGU Article | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Rebirth and Birth | Source | Wiedergeburt und Geburt | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod Und Trauer) - Pages 22 - 35 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Shortage and Destruction of the life-source Water | Source | Verknappung und Zerstörung des Lebensquells Wasser | W. Stauber | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Simplicity and Modesty | Source | Einfachheit und Bescheidenheit | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 23-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Spirit-healing | Source | Geistheilung | Billy Eduard Albert Meier | Things Worth Knowing No. 02 - Sep-1976 - pages 16-17 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Telling the World about It ... | | | Patrick McKnight | Creational Truth - Member Article | FIGU Society | |
Download | The BEING-Absolutum is as the first and highest creation-form, i.e., Absolutum-form in a self-creation created from an energy impulse out of the absolute nothing-space of endless duration; however thereto the question: What was the developmental process from total absolute nothing up to the BEING-Absolutum and the other Absolutum-forms? | Source | Das SEIN-Absolutum ist als erste und höchste Schöpfungsform resp. Absolutum-Form in einer Eigenkreation aus einem Energieimpuls aus dem absoluten Nichtsraum der endlosen Dauer entstanden; doch dazu die Frage: Wie war der Werdegang vom vollkommen absoluten Nichts bis zum SEIN-Absolutum und der anderen Absolutum-Formen? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | pages 100-101 of Lehreschrift (Question 89) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford / corrections: Patrick McKnight |
Download | The consciousness, subconsciousness and the unconsciousness, where lies the difference? | Source | Das Bewusstsein, Unterbewusstsein und das Unbewusste, wo liegt da der Unterschied? | 'Billy' Eduard Alber Meier | Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life (\green{Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens) pages 164 - 166 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight, correctiond by Kevin Pigford |
Download | The Creation, from where does it receive its impulse-based power, i.e., its life-energy? | Source | Die Schöpfung, woher bezieht sie ihre impulsmässige Kraft resp. ihre Lebensenergie? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | pages 98-99 of Lehreschrft (Question 88) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford / corrections: Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Emotions of Anger, Hatred, Rage, Jealousy and Revenge | Source | Die Emotionen Wut, Hass, Jähzorn, Eifersucht und Rache | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 2-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Human Being must be free and nurture self-love | Source | Der Mensch muss frei sein und Selbstliebe pflegen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | book- Wenn der Mensch glücklich und zufrieden werden will ... (If the Human Being wants to become happy and satisfied …) pages 217-222 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The human being requires time for the mourning | Source | Der Mensch braucht Zeit zum Trauern | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Human should not Indulge in Arrogance ... | Source | Der Mensch soll nicht der Überheblichkeit frönen ... | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 22-Feb-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Last Tree Will Fall | Source | Der letzte Baum wird fallen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | website | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Life Lived Mindfully | Source | Das Leben achtsam leben | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 17-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Overpopulation is the measure of all destruction on Earth | Source | Die Überbevölkerung ist das Mass aller Zerstörung auf Erden | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Article translation request from Dubhaltagh O'hEarcain | Overpopulation | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Spiritual Teaching teaches, homosexuality is a natural unnaturalness. What is to understand from this, and how does homosexuality come about , i.e., how does it come to this? | Source | Die Geisteslehre lehrt, Homosexualität sei eine natürliche Widernatürlichkeit. Was ist darunter zu verstehen, und wie entsteht Homosexualität resp. wie kommt es dazu? | 'Billy' Eduard Alber Meier | Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens (Teaching script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life) pages 190-194 | Spiritual Teaching | FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen (FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge) |
Download | The USA and the evolution of Russia - Excerpt from the 687th Contact of 22 July 2017 | Source | Die USA und die Entwicklung von Russland - Auszüge aus dem 687. Kontakt vom 22. Juli 2017 | Billy / Ptaah | FIGU - Sign of the Times No. 76 (Aug 2017) | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The very best space-travel-method, that there is | Source | Die allerbeste Raumfahrtmethode, die es gibt | Guido Moosbrugger | Flight through Time and Space (Flugreisen Durch Zeit und Raum) pages 305-307 | UFOlogy | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Thoughts about the Sentence: “I Always Remain Relaxed and Thereby Gain Might over Myself” | | | Mariann Uehlinger | Mariann Uehlinger | Spiritual Teaching | Rebecca Walkiw and Mariann Uehlinger |
Download | Time Travel | Source | Zeitreise | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 40 (August 2022) page 12 | UFOlogy;Other | Patrick McKnight |
Download | True Love and Compassion are Undeniable the Greatest ... | Source | Wahre Liebe und Mitgefühl sind unbestreitbar die grössten | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 13-Jun-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Ur-Subsebtile-Initialization-energy = Ur-Substance of the BEING-Absolutum. What is to be understood by this? | Source | Ur-Subsebtile-Erregungsenergie = Ur-Substanz des SEIN-Absolutum, was ist darunter zu verstehen? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens (Question 115) (pages 126 - 128) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight and Mariann Uehlinger |
Download | What is the Islam, what is a male/female Islamite, and what is a male/female Islamist, and what is the difference between 'Islamic', 'Islamism' and between 'Islamist' and 'Islamistism'? | Source | Was ist der Islam, was ein Islamit, eine Islamitin, und was ist ein Islamist, eine Islamistin, und was ist der Unterschied zwischen ‹islamisch›, ‹Islamismus› und zwischen ‹islamistisch› und ‹Islamistmus›? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU-Sign of the Times No. 78 (Sep 2017) pages 5 - 8 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | What is the universal Material(matter)-Belt? | Source | Was ist der universelle Materiegürtel? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 5 (June 1996) pages 9 - 12 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Whatever is preserved in Love, does not get lost with the Death | Source | Was in Liebe bewahrt wird, geht mit dem Tod nicht verloren | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 'Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer)' by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (pages 86-89) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Why Is It so Important for Us to Learn so Much, Especially in our Current Lifetime? | | | Mariann Uehlinger Mondria | | Spiritual Teaching | Rebecca Walkiw |
Download | Why is the human being supposed to practice the study of the Spiritual Teaching? | Source | Warum soll der Mensch das Studium der Geisteslehre betreiben? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life(Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens) pages 140 - 142) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford (corrections by Patrick McKnight) |
Download | Wrong and Irrational Teachings as well as Belief Differences | Source | Falsch- und Irrlehren sowie Glaubensunterschiede | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 9-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |