Overpopulation - Articles

This section of our Reference Library contains articles related to the Overpopulation.

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EnglishTitle (English)Sorted By Title (English) In Ascending OrderGermanTitle (German)AuthorSourceCategoryTranslated by
DownloadA Surreptitious Environmental Catastrophe - The Desert will WinSourceSchleichende Umweltkatastrophe – Die Wüste wird siegen 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meierfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadAntisemitism, stranger-enmity (xenophobia), hatred of strangers, hatred of Jews, Jew-enmity, racial hatred, racism, group-enmity, hatred of groups, neighbor-enmity, hatred of neighbors, hatred of family, society-enmity, hatred of societySourceAntisemitismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Fremdenhass, Judenhass, Judenfeindlichkeit, Rassenhass, Rassismus, Gruppenfeindlichkeit, Gruppenhass, Nachbarfeindlichkeit, Nachbarhass, Familienhass, Vereinsfeindlichkeit, Vereinshass'Billy' Eduard Albert MeierFIGU Open Words of the Truth and Time No. 04 (pgs 5 - 18)OverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadBaby BoomSourceBabyboomB. Harnischfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEffects of Caesarean Section Births on the Mother and her Child / Test Tube Conception (In-Vitro Fertilisation)SourceAuswirkungen von Kaiserschnittgeburten auf die Mutter und ihr Kind / Reagenzglasbefruchtung (In-vitro-Fertilisation)Marianne Uehlinger MondriaFIGU Special Bulletin No. 49OverpopulationVibka Wallder - 19-Feb-2017
DownloadEnvironment world pollution as a result of the overpopulationSourceUmweltweltverschmutzung infolge der ÜberbevölkerungM. Brüggerfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEnvironmental ProtectionSourceUmweltschutzW. Stauberfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEnvironmental Protection is a Human DutySourceUmweltschutz ist MenschenpflichtB Harnischfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEqual Rights - 2SourceGleichberechtigungE. Moosbruggerfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEqual Rights - 3SourceEqual Rights - 3Hans Georg Lanzendorferfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadEquivalence of Same Sex Life – Partnerships… Or…Switzerland also makes Progress!SourceGleichwertigkeit gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften ... oder ... auch die Schweiz macht Fortschritte!Hans-Georg Lanzendorferhttp://au.figu.org/equivalence_partnerships.htmlOverpopulationAndres Criado and Kenneth Crawford
DownloadFeminists- / Emancipated- / Female Extremists-Societies and normal, healthy rational womenSourceFeministinnen- / Emanzen- / Extremistinnen-Vereine und normale, gesunde vernünftige FrauenB. Harnisch & 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meierfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadFight against Child AbuseSourceKampf gegen KindesmisshandlungE. Moosbruggerfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadFight against Torture and the Death PenaltySourceKampf gegen Folter und TodesstrafeFIGUfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadFight of the OverpopulationSourceKampf der Überbevölkerung'Billy' Eduard Albert Meierfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadHuman Rights are Human DutiesSourceMenschenrechte sind MenschenpflichtenE. Moosbruggerfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadHumanity and Love for the Next OneSourceHumanität und NächstenliebeB. Harnisch figu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadHuman-unworthiness and Hatred…SourceMenschenunwürdigkeit und Hass …Philia Stauberfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadParenthood and the Desire to Have a BabySourceElternschaft und KinderwunschChristian Frehnerexcerpt from FIGU's overpopulation booklet #13OverpopulationChristian Frehner
DownloadPeace, Freedom, Humaneness - Xenophobia and Racial HatredSourceFrieden, Freiheit, Menschlichkeit – Fremden- und RassenhassBarbara Harnisch & 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meierfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadRacismSourceRassismusChristina Glasserfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadRacism, neo-Nazism, Extremism, AntisemitismSourceRassismus, Neonazismus, Extremismus, AntisemitismusChristian Frehnerfigu.org/ch website & FIGU Bulletin #28, pages 2 - 3OverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadReader Question concerning Weapons from 4 January 2017SourceLeserfrage hinsichtlich Waffen vom 4. Januar 2017U. Surber // 'Billy' Eduard Alber MeierFIGU ArticleOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadShortage and Destruction of the life-source WaterSourceVerknappung und Zerstörung des Lebensquells WasserW. Stauberfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadThe Last Tree Will FallSourceDer letzte Baum wird fallen'Billy' Eduard Albert Meierfigu.org/ch websiteOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
DownloadThe Overpopulation is the measure of all destruction on EarthSourceDie Überbevölkerung ist das Mass aller Zerstörung auf Erden'Billy' Eduard Albert MeierArticle translation request from Dubhaltagh O'hEarcainOverpopulationPatrick McKnight
