Download | 77 Affirmations | | | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Meditation from Clear Sight(Meditation aus klarer Sicht) pgs 239-240 | Spiritual Teaching | clemmm |
Download | A Split Second | | - | Vibka Wallder | FIGU Landesgruppe Australia | Spiritual Teaching | Original in English |
Download | All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion | Source | Alle sieben Gebetsformen von Nokodemion | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | | Spiritual Teaching | Vibka Wallder (12-Dec-2012) |
Download | Becoming and Passing | Source | Werden und Vergehen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles (pages 94-96) | Spiritual Teaching | Adam Dei Rocini |
Download | Cabbalism - Numerology - Horoscopolgy (Astrology), can therewith destiny-determining significances be calculated? | Source | Kabbalistik - Numerologie - Horoskopie, können damit schicksalsbestimmende Bedeutungen errechnet werden? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Question 102 - From Billy's book 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit (Creation-Energy), Teaching of the Life' (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' pages 112-116 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Changing-form of the genders through incarnation | Source | Wechselform der Geschlechter durch Inkarnation | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Things Worth Knowing No. 04 (pages 13 - 17) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Contempt | Source | Verachtung | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 2-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Creational-natural Laws and Recommendations | Source | Schöpferisch-natürliche Gesetze und Gebote | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 14-Mar-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Do Fauna and Flora also have storage-banks? | Source | Haben Fauna und Flora auch Speicherbänke? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' page 112 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Dreams | Source | Träume | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 9-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Everyday Meditation | Source | Alltagsmeditation | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 25-Apr-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Friendship, Love, Feelings for Others and Tolerance are a Necessity | Source | Freundlichkeit, Liebe, Mitgefühl und Toleranz sind eine Notwendigkeit | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 17-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | How and Why the Evil Begins in Human Beings | Source | Wie und warum das Böse im Menschen beginnt | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 19-Sep-2012 BEAM Portal / Free Texts | Spiritual Teaching | Bruce Lulla |
Download | Is there a universal causal foreordination or 'chance'? | Source | Gibt es eine universale Fügung oder ? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Question 132 - From Billy's book 'Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit (Creation-Energy), Teaching of the Life' (Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens)' pages 152-163 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Meditation about Death is Important | Source | Meditation über den Tod ist wichtig | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU - Free Texts | Spiritual Teaching | Bruce Lulla |
Download | My Spirit | | Mein Geist | Henoch | | Spiritual Teaching | Philia Stauber |
Download | Negative and positive - Entry of the spirit-form into the physical body | Source | Negativ und Positiv - Einzug der Geistform in den physischen Körper | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer)' on pages 136-137 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Reader Question - What precisely is the overall-consciousness-block? | Source | Leserfrage - Was genau ist der Gesamtbewusstseinblock? | Barbara Lotz / 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 44 (Aug 2003) (pages 14 - 16) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Rebirth and Birth | Source | Wiedergeburt und Geburt | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod Und Trauer) - Pages 22 - 35 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Simplicity and Modesty | Source | Einfachheit und Bescheidenheit | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 23-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Spirit-healing | Source | Geistheilung | Billy Eduard Albert Meier | Things Worth Knowing No. 02 - Sep-1976 - pages 16-17 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The BEING-Absolutum is as the first and highest creation-form, i.e., Absolutum-form in a self-creation created from an energy impulse out of the absolute nothing-space of endless duration; however thereto the question: What was the developmental process from total absolute nothing up to the BEING-Absolutum and the other Absolutum-forms? | Source | Das SEIN-Absolutum ist als erste und höchste Schöpfungsform resp. Absolutum-Form in einer Eigenkreation aus einem Energieimpuls aus dem absoluten Nichtsraum der endlosen Dauer entstanden; doch dazu die Frage: Wie war der Werdegang vom vollkommen absoluten Nichts bis zum SEIN-Absolutum und der anderen Absolutum-Formen? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | pages 100-101 of Lehreschrift (Question 89) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford / corrections: Patrick McKnight |
Download | The consciousness, subconsciousness and the unconsciousness, where lies the difference? | Source | Das Bewusstsein, Unterbewusstsein und das Unbewusste, wo liegt da der Unterschied? | 'Billy' Eduard Alber Meier | Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life (\green{Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens) pages 164 - 166 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight, correctiond by Kevin Pigford |
Download | The Creation, from where does it receive its impulse-based power, i.e., its life-energy? | Source | Die Schöpfung, woher bezieht sie ihre impulsmässige Kraft resp. ihre Lebensenergie? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | pages 98-99 of Lehreschrft (Question 88) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford / corrections: Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Emotions of Anger, Hatred, Rage, Jealousy and Revenge | Source | Die Emotionen Wut, Hass, Jähzorn, Eifersucht und Rache | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 2-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Human Being must be free and nurture self-love | Source | Der Mensch muss frei sein und Selbstliebe pflegen | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | book- Wenn der Mensch glücklich und zufrieden werden will ... (If the Human Being wants to become happy and satisfied …) pages 217-222 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The human being requires time for the mourning | Source | Der Mensch braucht Zeit zum Trauern | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | The Human should not Indulge in Arrogance ... | Source | Der Mensch soll nicht der Überheblichkeit frönen ... | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 22-Feb-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Life Lived Mindfully | Source | Das Leben achtsam leben | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 17-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | The Spiritual Teaching teaches, homosexuality is a natural unnaturalness. What is to understand from this, and how does homosexuality come about , i.e., how does it come to this? | Source | Die Geisteslehre lehrt, Homosexualität sei eine natürliche Widernatürlichkeit. Was ist darunter zu verstehen, und wie entsteht Homosexualität resp. wie kommt es dazu? | 'Billy' Eduard Alber Meier | Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens (Teaching script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life) pages 190-194 | Spiritual Teaching | FIGU-Interessengruppe für Missionswissen (FIGU-Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge) |
Download | Thoughts about the Sentence: “I Always Remain Relaxed and Thereby Gain Might over Myself” | | | Mariann Uehlinger | Mariann Uehlinger | Spiritual Teaching | Rebecca Walkiw and Mariann Uehlinger |
Download | True Love and Compassion are Undeniable the Greatest ... | Source | Wahre Liebe und Mitgefühl sind unbestreitbar die grössten | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 13-Jun-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |
Download | Ur-Subsebtile-Initialization-energy = Ur-Substance of the BEING-Absolutum. What is to be understood by this? | Source | Ur-Subsebtile-Erregungsenergie = Ur-Substanz des SEIN-Absolutum, was ist darunter zu verstehen? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens (Question 115) (pages 126 - 128) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight and Mariann Uehlinger |
Download | What is the Islam, what is a male/female Islamite, and what is a male/female Islamist, and what is the difference between 'Islamic', 'Islamism' and between 'Islamist' and 'Islamistism'? | Source | Was ist der Islam, was ein Islamit, eine Islamitin, und was ist ein Islamist, eine Islamistin, und was ist der Unterschied zwischen ‹islamisch›, ‹Islamismus› und zwischen ‹islamistisch› und ‹Islamistmus›? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU-Sign of the Times No. 78 (Sep 2017) pages 5 - 8 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | What is the universal Material(matter)-Belt? | Source | Was ist der universelle Materiegürtel? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | FIGU Bulletin No. 5 (June 1996) pages 9 - 12 | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Whatever is preserved in Love, does not get lost with the Death | Source | Was in Liebe bewahrt wird, geht mit dem Tod nicht verloren | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | 'Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow (Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer)' by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (pages 86-89) | Spiritual Teaching | Patrick McKnight |
Download | Why Is It so Important for Us to Learn so Much, Especially in our Current Lifetime? | | | Mariann Uehlinger Mondria | | Spiritual Teaching | Rebecca Walkiw |
Download | Why is the human being supposed to practice the study of the Spiritual Teaching? | Source | Warum soll der Mensch das Studium der Geisteslehre betreiben? | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life(Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens) pages 140 - 142) | Spiritual Teaching | Kevin Pigford (corrections by Patrick McKnight) |
Download | Wrong and Irrational Teachings as well as Belief Differences | Source | Falsch- und Irrlehren sowie Glaubensunterschiede | 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier | BEAM Portal - 9-May-2012 | Spiritual Teaching | Creational Truth - Translation Team |