
Note regarding corrections: 

It must be understood that in order to gain the exact understanding intended the reader should learn the German language. As a group we provide our "best as possible" English translation. Just as we are continually learning the Spiritual Teaching, we are also continually learning the German language in our German-to-US English translations. It needs to be understood that an exact translation from German to any other language is not possible. We fully utilize the on-going efforts of FIGU, for progressively assisting in the development of more accurate translations, by providing an evolving tool such as the FIGU Dictionary. In your studies of the Teaching we encourage also spending some time constantly equating the German words and phrase with the English words you are reading and while processing the idea-thought-feeling energy impulses. If In these comparisons you should find a translation error, it is our request that, especially those that are fluent in the German language, submit corrections to us, as we strive to provide an accurate dissemination of the original German intent-to-word structured idea-thought impulses for positive-neutrally processing into knowledge, through our English translations. The original German is included with each paragraph (in green on webpages),

 FIGU Copyright

Original German text © FIGU 1996-2015, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti

COPYRIGHT und URHEBERRECHT 2005 by ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. Kein Teil dieses Werkes, Keine Photos und sonstige Bildvorlagen , keine Dias, Filme, Videos und keine anderen Schriften oder sonstige Materialien usw. dürfen ohne schriftliche Einwilligung des Copyrightinhabers in irgendeiner Form (Photokopie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren), auch nicht für Zwecke der Unterrichtsgestaltung usw., reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.

Erschienen im Wassermannzeit-Verlag, ‘Freie Interessengemeinschaft’, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

COPYRIGHT and COPYRIGHT 2005 by “Free Community of Interests for Border- and Spiritual-Sciences and Ufological Studies”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH. No part of this work, no photos and other picture collections, no slides, films, videos and no other writings or other materials etc. may be reproduced without written consent of the copyright owner in any form (Photocopy, microfilm or any other procedure), also not for purposes of instructional design etc., or using electronic systems storage, duplication or dissemination.

Published by Aquarian Age-Publishing house, “Free Community of Interests”, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hiterschmidrüti/Schmidrüti ZH

English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2015

 RE FIGU Books

Information Regarding FIGU Books

In German:
There are many FIGU books that are currently only available in German which must be ordered directly from FIGU Switzerland. The FIGU book listing below contains a description of each book (English & German), a link for ordering the German book from FIGU as well as a link to order the German/English translation of each book (when a German/English translation is available).

Learning the German language and reading these books in their original German language is highly recommended as this will provide the reader the highest correctness of information being disseminated in each of these books.

In the future: It is our intention to provide a listing for each book broken down by chapter titles only (no book content translation). 

 Wiring money

 Instructions for wiring money to Switzerland
P.S.  For security reasons in regard to internet-banking-crime in relation to FLCA-bank accounts and their money, the FIGU society and all its groups are strictly prohibited to do internet-banking transactions, until internet-banking-crime is no longer possible and the security of monetary transactions with internet banking is guaranteed i.e. paypal, credit card transa etc.

Also note that US Postal Money Orders are NOT cashable in most countries outside the US. Be sure to use an INTERNATIONAL Money Order if sending a money order is your choice.
   12012 immemorial first names
   61 Years of Poems
   A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Essence of Wisdom
   About the Fluidal Energy
   Adventures of a Globetrotter
   An Open Word
   And They Fly Still! - 2012 Edition
   Aphorisms, Thoughts and Sayings
   Approach to the Reality
   Arahat Athersata
   Become a True Human Being
   Descent into Hell
   Diversity of Topics
   Earth's-humankind finally strive for Peace and Freedom instead of War and Terror
   Education of Children, Adolescents and Adults
   Essence of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the Life
   Excerpts from newspapers and journals about BEAM
   Existing Life in the Universe
   Flight through Time and Space
   For Reflection
   From the Depths of Outer Space
   Goblet of the Truth
   God Delusion and God Delusion Insanity
   If the human being wants to become happy and satisfied
   Introduction into the Meditation
   Law of the Love
   Laws and recommendations of the behaviors
   Learning Steps
   Life And Death
   Listing of the numbers and legends of the FIGU-Photos
   Live the Life correctly
   Meditation From Clear Visibility
   Might of the Thoughts
   My bequest: Human being of the Earth, I wish for you…
   Nokodemion, his successor-personalities
   Overpopulation, the greatest danger for the Earth's humankind - Series
   Pleiadian Plejaren Contact Reports
   Prophecies and Predictions
   Questions to Billy from May 2013
   Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow
   Researching a Real UFO
   Secrets of the Parish Priest
   Semjase Reports
   Sensible, Dignified, Valueful
   Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching
   Talmud Jmmanuel
   Teaching and Proclaiming the Truth
   Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life
   The Beginning is the End
   The Billy Meier Case - Fact or a Hoax?
   The Phantom/White Slave Trader
   The Psyche
   The Rose-Colored Crystal
   The Truth about the Pleiades
   The Way to Live
   They are here
   Through Space and Time
   Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Wellspring of all Existence
   Viewpoints about the person Billy Eduard Albert Meier, known as BEAM
   Why the Human Being is that which he/she is
   Witness Book
   Zurich 1995
CoverPicENGEnglish DescriptionTitle (English)Sorted By Title (English) In Ascending OrderGermanTitle (German)AuthorPages
bookcover 12012 immemorial first names 12012 immemorial first names in their original form and their significanceOrder12012 altherkömmliche Vornamen in ihrer Urform und deren Bedeutung'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier452
bookcover 61 Years of Poems61 Years of Poems, Sayings, AphorismsOrder61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier416
bookcover A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Essence of WisdomA Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and WisdomOrderEin Quentchen Wissen, Sinn Und Weisheit'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier274
bookcover Adventures of a GlobetrotterAdventures of a globetrotterOrderAbenteuer eines GlobetrottersBilly Eduard Albert Meier322
bookcover An Open WordAn Open WordOrderEin Offenes Wort'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier280
bookcoverYesAnd They Fly Still! - 2012 EditionAnd Still They Fly! ... Und Sie Fliegen Doch!Guido Moosbrugger346
bookcover And They Fly Still! - 2012 EditionAnd Yet/Still They fly! - 2012 EditionOrder... Und Sie Fliegen Doch! - Ausgabe 2012Guido Moosbrugger748
bookcover Aphorisms, Thoughts and SayingsAphorisms, Thoughts and SayingsOrderAphorismen, Gedanken und SinnsprücheHans-Georg Lanzendorfer144
bookcover Approach to the RealityApproach to the RealityOrderAnnäherung an die WirklichkeitWolfgang Adolf Stauber120
bookcoverYesArahat AthersataArahat AthersataOrderArahat Athersata'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier216
bookcover About the Fluidal EnergyAround the Fluidal PowersOrderRund Um Die Fluidalkräfte'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier416
bookcover AtlantaAtlantaOrderAtlanta'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier282
bookcover Become a True Human BeingBecome True Human Being by BEAM 25-Nov-2011 - 29-Jun-2012OrderWahrer Mensch werden von BEAM 25.11.2011 - 29.6.2012 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier312
bookcover CalendarCalendarOrderKalenderBilly Eduard Albert Meier95
bookcoverYesDecalog/DodecalogDekalog/DodekalogOrderDekalog/DodekalogBilly Eduard Albert Meier138
bookcover Descent into HellDescent into Hell, Gelion Power of the LawOrderFahr Zur Hölle, Gelion Kraft Des GestzesBilly Eduard Albert Meier220
bookcover DirectivesDirectivesOrderDirektivenBilly Eduard Albert Meier124
bookcoverNoDiversity of TopicsDiversity of TopicsOrderDiversikumGuido Moosbrugger548
bookcover Education of Children, Adolescents and AdultsEducation of Children, Adolescents and AdultsOrderErziehung Der Kinder, Jugendlichen Und ErwachsenenBilly Eduard Albert Meier420
bookcover Essence of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the LifeEssences of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the LifeOrderWeisheiten und Wissenswertes des Lebens'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier496
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