...and Still they fly!

... And They Fly Still! - 2012 Edition

... Und Sie Fliegen Doch! - Ausgabe 2012

by Guido Moosbrugger

click to order this German Book from FIGU Switzerlandclick to order this German Book from FIGU SwitzerlandThe most sensational UFO-Photos of the world: Authentic photographs of extraterrestrial outer space ships or an ingenious swindle? According to detailed analyses are convincing scientists and photo experts of NASA and of the US-Air Force: The extensive evidence of the Swiss UFO-Contact person Eduard “Billy” Meier to is absolutely authentic. Must we thus therefore ourselves accept that those UFOs more are as only pure/ly fiction? 15 years since the author Guido Moosbrugger has traced this mysterious Swiss one, who has been even repeatedly given evidence of extraordinary happenings in the environment. Today it is convincing: “Billy” has indeed contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences of the Pleiades/Plejaren. In which the extraterrestrials teach us, which is why they come to us even now, why they are interested in us - after reading the book you will no more question after the greatest mystery of this century.

Die sensationellsten UFO-Fotos der Welt: Authentische Aufnahmen ausserirdischer Weltraumschiffe oder ein genialer Schwindel? Nach eingehenden Analysen sind Wissenschaftler und Fotoexperten der NASA und der US-Luftwaffe überzeugt: Das umfangreiche Beweismaterial der Schweizer UFO-Kontaktperson Eduard "Billy" Meier ist absolut authentisch. Müssen wir uns also damit abfinden, dass die UFOs mehr sind als nur reine Fiktion? Seit 15 Jahren ist der Autor Guido Moosbrugger dem geheimnsvollen Schweizer auf der Spur, wurde selbst wiederholt Zeuge aussergewöhnlicher Ereignisse in dessen Umfeld. Heute ist er überzeugt: "Billy" hat tatsächlich Kontakte mit ausserirdischen Intelligenzen von den Plejaden. Was die Ausserirdischen uns lehrten, weshalb sie gerade jetzt zu uns kommen, warum sie ich für uns interessieren - nach der Lektüre des Buches wird für Sie hinter dem grössten Rätsel dieses Jahrhunderts kein Fragezeichen mehr stehen.

Cost: 50 CHF
Category: Ufology
Publisher: Wassermannzeit
Pages: 748
Format: DIN A5
Language: German
Binding: hardback

And Still They fly! - English Only Edition

2004 English Edition translated from 1991 German Edition

by Guido Moosbrugger

click to order this English Book from FIGU Switzerlandclick to order this English Book from FIGU SwitzerlandIn 1975, a Swiss farmer claiming to have contact with extraterrestrials took this amazingly clear, daytime photo of a UFO. This is only one of hundred of his photos, some of which are exhibited in this book.
 When And Yet They Fly! was first introduced more than two years ago, it set the standard for a clear , concise introduction to the extraterrestrial contacts of “Billy” Eduard A. Meier. In simple and easily understood language, author Guido Moosbrugger brings this largely untold story alive with eyewitness accounts, reviews of the scientific evidence and almost 40 color pages of UFO photographs taken between 1975 and 1979.
 Moosbruggers extraordinary review takes readers directly into the world of UFOs and paranormal activity, offering an unwavering account of Billy Meier and his life as a contactee, as well as in-depth information on extraterrestrial life, an overview of their technical capabilities and the reasons for visiting earth. It is sufficiently detailed as to satisfy the reader who is contemplating a closer look into the scientific facts of the case or those seeking the most definitive story on Billy Meier and his extraterrestrial contacts.
 The second edition , entitled And Still They Fly!, was updated and expanded to include a new chapter the Henoch Prophecies. These prophecies were given to Billy on February 28, 1987 and have never before been released to the public! The Henoch Prophecies warn of a looming World War III and mention , by name the countries that will be involved. With the ever-increasing change in the world situation, these prophecies serve as an urgent appeal for mankind to change our thoughts and actions and avert a worldwide catastrophe.

Cost: 50 CHF
Category: Ufology
Publisher: Steelmark
Pages: 364
Format: Special Format
Language: English
Binding: paperback
   12012 immemorial first names
   61 Years of Poems
   A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Essence of Wisdom
   About the Fluidal Energy
   Adventures of a Globetrotter
   An Open Word
   Aphorisms, Thoughts and Sayings
   Approach to the Reality
   Arahat Athersata
   Become a True Human Being
   Descent into Hell
   Diversity of Topics
   Earth's-humankind finally strive for Peace and Freedom instead of War and Terror
   Education of Children, Adolescents and Adults
   Essence of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the Life
   Excerpts from newspapers and journals about BEAM
   Existing Life in the Universe
   Flight through Time and Space
   For Reflection
   From the Depths of Outer Space
   Goblet of the Truth
   God Delusion and God Delusion Insanity
   If the human being wants to become happy and satisfied
   Introduction into the Meditation
   Law of the Love
   Laws and recommendations of the behaviors
   Learning Steps
   Life And Death
   Listing of the numbers and legends of the FIGU-Photos
   Live the Life correctly
   Meditation From Clear Visibility
   Might of the Thoughts
   My bequest: Human being of the Earth, I wish for you…
   Nokodemion, his successor-personalities
   Overpopulation, the greatest danger for the Earth's humankind - Series
   Pleiadian Plejaren Contact Reports
   Prophecies and Predictions
   Questions to Billy from May 2013
   Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow
   Researching a Real UFO
   Secrets of the Parish Priest
   Semjase Reports
   Sensible, Dignified, Valueful
   Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching
   Talmud Jmmanuel
   Teaching and Proclaiming the Truth
   Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life
   The Beginning is the End
   The Billy Meier Case - Fact or a Hoax?
   The Phantom/White Slave Trader
   The Psyche
   The Rose-Colored Crystal
   The Truth about the Pleiades
   The Way to Live
   They are here
   Through Space and Time
   Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Wellspring of all Existence
   Viewpoints about the person Billy Eduard Albert Meier, known as BEAM
   Why the Human Being is that which he/she is
   Witness Book
   Zurich 1995
