Meditation From Clear Visibility

Meditation From Clear Visibility

Meditation Aus Klarer Sicht

by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

click to order this German Book from FIGU Switzerlandclick to order this German Book from FIGU SwitzerlandDear reader (female/male), it may give thousands of reasons, why you in this instant hold of all things this book in your hands. It is however certain that you now do it - in this instant of your life. Thereby that you are this occurrence conscious, in the here and present, you follow your heedfulness on a neutral, true fact, whereby in you already a form of neutral meditation comes about. “It is thus simple and however also again more difficult”, describes the author of this book, 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, of the meditation. He as small chap himself already learned it at the age of five years and extended its cognizances in the self-instruction over many decades up to the today's day, whereby he also pupil and friend became an acknowledged meditation teacher, for example to the Buddhist monk Dharmawara Mahathera…
Billy explains in the book the many varied forms of meditation and - ways; how important meditation really is; what influence it performs on the bodies and consciousness; gives valueful pieces of advice and evidences and elucidates terms and correlations, which are still unknown.

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, es mag Tausende von Gründen geben, warum Sie in diesem Augenblick ausgerechnet dieses Buch in Ihren Händen halten. Sicher ist jedoch , dass Sie es jetzt tun - in diesem Augenblick Ihres Lebens. Dadurch, dass Sie sich dieses Vorgangs bewusst sind, im Hier und Jetzt, richten Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf eine neutrale, wahre Tatsache, wodurch in Ihnen bereits eine Form der neutralen Meditation entsteht. «Es ist so einfach und doch auch wieder sehr schwer», beschreibt der Autor dieses Buches, ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, das Meditieren. Er selbst erlernte es als kleiner Knopf bereits im Alter von fünf Jahren und erweiterte seine Kenntnisse im Selbststudium über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg bis zum heutigen Tag, wobei er auch Schüler und Freund bekannter Meditationslehrer wurde, beispielsweise des buddhistischen Mönches Dharmawara Mahathera ...
Billy erklärt im Buch die vielen unterschiedlichen Meditationsformen und -wege; wie wichtig Meditation wirklich ist; welchen Einfluss sie auf Körper und Bewusstsein ausübt; gibt wertvolle Ratschläge und Hinweise und erläutert Begriffe und Zusammenhänge, die noch unbekannt sind.

Cost: 50 CHF
Category: Life Conduct
Publisher: Wassermannzeit
Pages: 390
Format: DIN A5
Language: German
Binding: hardback
   12012 immemorial first names
   61 Years of Poems
   A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Essence of Wisdom
   About the Fluidal Energy
   Adventures of a Globetrotter
   An Open Word
   And They Fly Still! - 2012 Edition
   Aphorisms, Thoughts and Sayings
   Approach to the Reality
   Arahat Athersata
   Become a True Human Being
   Descent into Hell
   Diversity of Topics
   Earth's-humankind finally strive for Peace and Freedom instead of War and Terror
   Education of Children, Adolescents and Adults
   Essence of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the Life
   Excerpts from newspapers and journals about BEAM
   Existing Life in the Universe
   Flight through Time and Space
   For Reflection
   From the Depths of Outer Space
   Goblet of the Truth
   God Delusion and God Delusion Insanity
   If the human being wants to become happy and satisfied
   Introduction into the Meditation
   Law of the Love
   Laws and recommendations of the behaviors
   Learning Steps
   Life And Death
   Listing of the numbers and legends of the FIGU-Photos
   Live the Life correctly
   Might of the Thoughts
   My bequest: Human being of the Earth, I wish for you…
   Nokodemion, his successor-personalities
   Overpopulation, the greatest danger for the Earth's humankind - Series
   Pleiadian Plejaren Contact Reports
   Prophecies and Predictions
   Questions to Billy from May 2013
   Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow
   Researching a Real UFO
   Secrets of the Parish Priest
   Semjase Reports
   Sensible, Dignified, Valueful
   Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching
   Talmud Jmmanuel
   Teaching and Proclaiming the Truth
   Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life
   The Beginning is the End
   The Billy Meier Case - Fact or a Hoax?
   The Phantom/White Slave Trader
   The Psyche
   The Rose-Colored Crystal
   The Truth about the Pleiades
   The Way to Live
   They are here
   Through Space and Time
   Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Wellspring of all Existence
   Viewpoints about the person Billy Eduard Albert Meier, known as BEAM
   Why the Human Being is that which he/she is
   Witness Book
   Zurich 1995
EnglishTitle (English)GermanTitle (German)Page(s)Translator(s)Translated
LinkTension-reaction, Relaxation-reaction and Relaxation MeditationSourceSpannungsreaktion, Entspannungsreaktion und Entspannungsmeditation85 - 86Vivienne Legg22-Jan-2013
LinkUses of Meditation Nutzen der Meditation86 - 87Vivienne Legg22-Jan-2013
LinkMeditation for the Attainment of Inner Calm Meditation zur Erlangung innerer Ruhe208 - 210Vivienne Legg22-Jan-2013
LinkHigh and highest meditationSourceHohe und höchste Meditation239-240clemmm28-Jul-2009
