Questions to Billy from May 2013

Questions to Billy from May 2013 - list of questions from different persons, which Michael Horn/USA has placed

Fragen an Billy vom Mai 2013 - Liste von Fragen von verschiedenen Personen, die Michael Horn/USA gestellt hat

by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

click to order this German Book from FIGU Switzerlandclick to order this German Book from FIGU SwitzerlandQuestion:
What is for the human beings the best way, in order to turn him/herself away from the belief and to begin to be concerned with Spiritual Teaching?
The only way, in order to turn away from the belief, is that, which the human being solely turn him/herself to the intellectual-feeling-based actuality and its truth. In this wise it is necessary to control and cultivate one's own thoughts and feelings to such an extent that effectively only the actuality is perceived and only this accepted and intellectually as well as rationally also one logically follows. Therefore the human being in this wise has to seek within him/herself for the actuality to find and acknowledge the actual truth, since only from the actuality of the actual existing and giving the truth goes out. And then only if the actuality recognition as well as its effective truth becomes realized, recognized and logically followed, carrying out a liberation from imagination and from the delusion of the beliefs.

Welches ist für den Menschen der beste Weg, um sich vom Glauben abzuwenden und zu beginnen, sich mit der Geisteslehre zu befassen?
Der einzige Weg, um sich vom Glauben abzuwenden, ist der, dass sich der Mensch allein nur noch gedanklich-gefühlsmässig der Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit zuwendet. In dieser Weise ist es notwendig, die eigenen Gedanken und Gefühle derart zu kontrollieren und zu pflegen, dass effectiv nur die Wirklichkeit wahrgenommen und nur diese akzeptiert und verstandes- sowie vernunftmässig auch nachvollzogen wird. Also hat in dieser Weise der Mensch in sich selbst die Wirklichkeit und die tatsächliche Wahrheit zu suchen, zu finden und anzuerkennen, denn nur aus der Wirklichkeit des tatsächlich Existierenden und Gegebenen selbst geht die Wahrheit hervor. Und nur dann, wenn die Wirklichkeit anerkannt sowie deren effective Wahrheit erkannt, anerkannt und nachvollzogen wird, erfolgt eine Befreiung von Einbildung und vom Wahn des Glaubens.

Cost: 30 CHF
Category: Life Mastering
Publisher: Wassermannzeit
Pages: 224
Format: DIN A5
Language: German
Binding: hardback
   12012 immemorial first names
   61 Years of Poems
   A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Essence of Wisdom
   About the Fluidal Energy
   Adventures of a Globetrotter
   An Open Word
   And They Fly Still! - 2012 Edition
   Aphorisms, Thoughts and Sayings
   Approach to the Reality
   Arahat Athersata
   Become a True Human Being
   Descent into Hell
   Diversity of Topics
   Earth's-humankind finally strive for Peace and Freedom instead of War and Terror
   Education of Children, Adolescents and Adults
   Essence of Wisdom and Things Worth Knowing of the Life
   Excerpts from newspapers and journals about BEAM
   Existing Life in the Universe
   Flight through Time and Space
   For Reflection
   From the Depths of Outer Space
   Goblet of the Truth
   God Delusion and God Delusion Insanity
   If the human being wants to become happy and satisfied
   Introduction into the Meditation
   Law of the Love
   Laws and recommendations of the behaviors
   Learning Steps
   Life And Death
   Listing of the numbers and legends of the FIGU-Photos
   Live the Life correctly
   Meditation From Clear Visibility
   Might of the Thoughts
   My bequest: Human being of the Earth, I wish for you…
   Nokodemion, his successor-personalities
   Overpopulation, the greatest danger for the Earth's humankind - Series
   Pleiadian Plejaren Contact Reports
   Prophecies and Predictions
   Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow
   Researching a Real UFO
   Secrets of the Parish Priest
   Semjase Reports
   Sensible, Dignified, Valueful
   Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching
   Talmud Jmmanuel
   Teaching and Proclaiming the Truth
   Teaching Script for the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life
   The Beginning is the End
   The Billy Meier Case - Fact or a Hoax?
   The Phantom/White Slave Trader
   The Psyche
   The Rose-Colored Crystal
   The Truth about the Pleiades
   The Way to Live
   They are here
   Through Space and Time
   Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Wellspring of all Existence
   Viewpoints about the person Billy Eduard Albert Meier, known as BEAM
   Why the Human Being is that which he/she is
   Witness Book
   Zurich 1995
EnglishTitle (English)GermanTitle (German)Page(s)Translator(s)Translated
Link1. What is the best way for human beings to turn away from belief and start thinking about the spiritual teaching? What are the steps and or processes that a human being must go through? 1. Welches ist für den Menschen der beste Weg, um sich vom Glauben abzuwenden und zu beginnen, sich mit der Geisteslehre zu befassen (zu denken)?1Bruce Lulla19-Apr-2016
Link3. How does the Spirit-form maintain its spirit power when animating a human being? 3. Wie behält eine Geistform ihre Geisteskraft, wenn man einen Menschen (wieder)belebt?2 - 3Jacob Smits / Bruce Lulla / Mariann Uehlinger Mondria19-Apr-2016
Link11. What can you tell us about the Aryan and/or Aryan races, their origins, etc.? 11. Was kannst du uns über die Arier und/oder arische Rassen sagen, ihren Ursprung, usw.?18 - 25Jacob Smits / Bruce Lulla13-Feb-2016
Link16. What is intuition and how does it work? 16. Was ist Intuition, und wie wirkt sie?34 - 39Jacob Smits / Bruce Lulla / Mariann Uehlinger Mondria19-Dec-2015
