FIGU-Advisor No. 04

FIGU-Ratgeber Nr. 4

Volume:02  No:04  Date: Jun 2018
Pages: 32
Format: DIN A5

FIGU ADVISOR for the Feeling-based wellbeing

FIGU RATGEBER zum Wohlbefinden

Observations, insights, cognitions, Helpful things, important things, things worth knowing as well as interesting things from nature
Beobachtungen, Einsichten, Erkenntnisse, Hilfreiches, Wichtiges, Wissenswertes sowie Interessantes aus der Natur

EnglishArticle (English)GermanArticle (German)AuthorPage(s)Translator(s)
DownloadLavender oil acts against pains and exhaustionSourceLavendelöl wirkt gegen Schmerzen und Erschöpfung?1google translate
DownloadDesmodium adscendens - The medicinal plant for liver and respiratory tractSourceDesmodium adscendens - Die Heilpflanze für Leber und Atemwege?1 - 5google translate
DownloadHair dyes contain harmful chemicals, increase the risk of breast and bladder cancerSourceHaarfärbemittel enthalten schädliche Chemikalien, erhöhen Risiko für Brust- und Blasenkrebs?6 - 9google translate
 More than a symptom: Psychical illnesses and their causes…SourceMehr als ein Symptom: Psychische Erkrankungen und deren Ursachen …Gregor Hasler9 - 13 
 Paracetamol during the pregnancy weakens the offspring Paracetamol während der Schwangerschaft verweiblicht den Nachwuchs?13 - 14 
DownloadFurther unsettling side effects: Pain killer Paracetamol leads to emotional deadeningSourceWeitere beunruhigende Nebenwirkung: Schmerzmittel Paracetamol führt zu emotionaler Abstumpfung?14 - 15google translate
DownloadDeath on prescription and no medicine without side effects: But do not betray!SourceTod auf Rezept und kein Medikament ohne Nebenwirkungen: Aber nicht verraten!René Gräber16 - 20google translate
DownloadParacetamol: Why the pain killer deadens our feelings for othersSourceParacetamol: Warum das Schmerzmittel unser Mitgefühl dämpft?20 - 21google translate
DownloadExtra native olive oil lowers the Alzheimer's-riskSourceExtra natives Olivenöl senkt das Alzheimer-Risikoluigi giordano21` - 22google translate
DownloadForest therapy is helpful: Trees strengthen the immune systemSourceWaldtherapie ist hilfreich: Bäume stärken das Immunsystem?22 - 24google translate
DownloadAnxiety has a negative effect on the immune system and epigeneticsSourceAngst wirkt sich negativ auf Immunssystem und Epigenetik aus?24 - 25google translate
DownloadOmega-3 fatty acids keep your intestinal flora healthySourceOmega-3-Fettsäuren halten Ihre Darmflora gesund?25 - 27google translate
DownloadAre cold showers healthy? The advantages of cold thermogenesisSourceIst kalt duschen gesund? Die Vorteile von kalter ThermogeneseLisa-Marie Winter27 - 31google translate
DownloadThe dry brush massageSourceDie Trockenbürstenmassage?30 - 31google translate

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Translations of non-FIGU sourced articles in this periodical are performed by Google Translate, a third party service which neither FIGU Switzerland nor our group (United States Online Interessengruppe für die FIGU-Mission / United States Online Interest Group for the FIGU-Mission) has control over. The service provides automated computer translations that are only an approximation of the articles' original German content.

This service is only provided as a convenience for our website users so that you will be able to review these time-critical articles as quickly as possible. The translations should not be considered exact and and in some cases may include incorrect or offensive language. FIGU Switzerland and our group (United States Online Interessengruppe für die FIGU-Mission / United States Online Interest Group for the FIGU-Mission) does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by this system and will not accept liability for loss incurred as a result. Those interested in specific non-FIGU sourced articles, we recommend you do your own detailed translation of the articles from the original German articles.

When present, our group (United States Online Interessengruppe für die FIGU-Mission / United States Online Interest Group for the FIGU-Mission) will attempt to provide, as resources are available, US-English translations for all FIGU-sourced German articles/excerpts in this periodical. When other translation sources are available, links will be provided.
