FIGU Stickers

Urgent Appeal!

Dear all,

The Plejaren Committee ("Gremium"), which is responsible for FIGU and especially the Core Group of 49 at the Semjase Silver Star Center, has addressed in detail the foreseeable and farther future and has concluded that it is of the utmost importance, that all FIGU members – those within Landes-, Studien- and Interessengruppen, or outside – shall be active both on the internet and other media. The focus shall mainly be on peace, overpopulation and the spiritual teaching in general. It has been proposed to not just focus on spreading the respective stickers that you receive as a PDF together with this appeal, but that you also write articles and posts in social media, newspapers, journals etc., or by placing flyers etc. into letterboxes etc. The intention is to at least somewhat alleviate the coming threatening events by sharing FIGU material as often and as widely as possible.

It is recommended that you yourselves, produce and spread the stickers in your native language and in your own country. Those who are familiar with Adobe Illustrator may order the original files from FIGU SSSC, to easily exchange the text. It is also possible to send us your translations and then receive the changed sticker as a PDF in return.

Thank you very much! Core Group of 49

PS: You can also download the corrected flyer "Spreading the Correct Peace Symbol" as a PDF here.

The sticker images below are made available in *.png format, just 'left' click the image, then right 'click' the popped-up image to download /save the image file. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a file format used for lossless image compression. These can be easily imported into templates such as Avery templates for printing on available template-associated sticker paper-stock or can be used for ordering waterproof/UV resistant bumper stickers. Click the image below to open the image in a modal window, then right-click the image to download the image file.

(e.g.,  Avery Template 22830, which can be used for printing 2 1/2" round stickers, 9 per sheet - and printed on the associated paper-stock found at:

NOTE: The German version of these stickers can also be ordered directly from FIGU Switzerland at: 
