7 Types of Evolution
The 7 Main Factors in the Human Life
Consciousness Spheres
Evolution of Consciousness
Goblet of Truth - Translated Word List
Reincarnation/Incarnation Process
Spiritual Teaching Terminology
Nokodemion Lineage - Genealogy
Nokodemion 1st Mission
Creational Timeline
Big Bang / Matter Belt
Jschwisch-Jschrisch, Srut and Ban-Srut levels of human development
The Seven Spirit- and Consciousness-development Steps
Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life - Introduction
Consciousness is not spirit - spirit is not consciousness - true love - inspiration of the subconsciousness - inspiration (idea)/inspiration/drawing in - fine-spiritual perception - imagination/intuition
Billy's answer to the question - What purpose has the human being in the material life? What is the developmental process of the human spirits and the material human bodies? What has the spirit of the human beings and this have to do with the Creation? What purpose does the evolution of the spirit-form and the consciousness-evolution of human beings serve? Processes after the dying - Spirit-form, Consciousness-Block and Overall-Consciousness-Block
What is a Time Anon?